Age: 4654.28d Health: 100% Posters: 372 Posts: 1023 Replies: 479 Files: 990+866
>> | !///SWFAnts #ADMIN# 25mar2012(su)09:59 No.3367 SWF P1Resources for services This thread is dedicated to the various uploads that may be needed to use one of the services found here: Put all your misc service-related uploads here please, unless of course there's a fitting thread for your image(s) on /b/. Feel free to write a note on what you are doing with your uploaded file, the thread gets more pleasant that way. If you are uploading a cut music loop, please post it in this other thread instead: (for cut out music loops only, not whole tracks) Link description: The page of services + The music loop thread |
>> | Anonymous 28mar2012(we)14:27 No.3390 A P2R1 |
>> | Anonymous 29mar2012(th)15:49 No.3391 A P3 | Description: to be used in tingling_saltation.swf |
>> | Anonymous 29mar2012(th)23:38 No.3393 A P4 |
>> | Anonymous 1apr2012(su)11:25 No.3396 B P5R2 |
>> | Anonymous 2apr2012(mo)22:34 No.3399 A P6R3 |
>> | Anonymous 4apr2012(we)00:38 No.3406 C P7R4luis.swf This loop goes with a crappy mp3 i just put on "Thread B". So, that's it. Mp3 post number is 3405. | luis.rar (203.6 KiB) Unpacked: 203.5 KiB. Files: 3. Directories: 0. Images: 3. Contains: JPG <LIST> Description: i think 50 ms for each frame is enough, isn't it? Also, it should go 1-2-3-2-1, i tried to upload that way but i go a duplicate entry warning. |
>> | Anonymous 8apr2012(su)08:49 No.3417 D P8R5ololo | INVMUSTDIE.mp3 (6.98 MiB) 04:55 stereo 44kHz 198kbps VBR <PREVIEW>The Prodigy - Invaders Must Die "Invaders Must Die (Ltd. Deluxe Edition)" 2009 [Electronic] Comment: one group to rule them all URL: Track: 1 Encoder: LAME 3.97 V2: preset standard / LAME3.97 |
>> | Anonymous 8apr2012(su)09:02 No.3418 D P9 |
>> | Codlike 9apr2012(mo)09:30 No.3425 E P10R6Mass Effect 3:- An End Once and for All (Cut Short) Bioware fucked up with the ending of this song, so I cut it short. |
>> | Codlike 9apr2012(mo)09:30 No.3426 E P11 |
>> | Anonymous 9apr2012(mo)14:43 No.3427 F P12R7 |
>> | Anonymous 9apr2012(mo)14:43 No.3428 F P13 |
>> | zorg 10apr2012(tu)01:58 No.3432 G P14R8post goes with a wav posted in "thread B" (post id 3431) gif from a certain webcomic |
>> | !///SWFAnts #ADMIN# 10apr2012(tu)16:55 No.3433 SWF P15R9It's nice to see that you make use of the loop creation service! >>3417 >>3418 >>3425 >>3426 >>3427 >>3428 However you three, I have noticed that you have uploaded the required resources for making loops but have not actually created the swf files. May I ask why? If I have made the loop creation process too hard or unclear I am willing to improve it. And if you have encountered any bug I'd like to know about it. Please tell me the reason why you didn't finish your loops, whatever they may be (even if the reason is just something like "the pages loaded too slowly so I lost interest"). |
>> | Codlike 11apr2012(we)13:49 No.3437 E P16R10>>3433 For me, it would be that I am at the point of not knowing the final step. The content is grabbed, but there's no "complete" button or anything on the project home. |
>> | !///SWFAnts #ADMIN# 11apr2012(we)14:21 No.3438 SWF P17R11>>3437 Aha. You are only using one image, right? The problem with that is that you need to have at least two images - there must be some kind of visual movement in the loop (since I don't consider a still image + some music a loop, I just consider that... well, some music accompanied by a still image). I'll add some explanation to the home screen that says why if people aren't allowed to continue.You can take another screenshot and add that to the project as well and then you'll be able to continue making the loop. Or you can take the same screenshot and shop it, for example add some blur, and then upload that image. That'll give the same visuals but add some movement (in the form of blur). Then you can set the frame rate to 1 and maybe repeat the first frame a couple of times before you get to the blur frame. You can even add several frames with different amounts of blur, or some frames where there is static/distortion. When done right you could create a nice TV "twitch" effect (don't know what the correct term for that visual effect is). |
>> | Anonymous 12apr2012(th)03:13 No.3441-3442 H P18-19R12fuckfuck01 test |
>> | |
>> | Codlike 12apr2012(th)03:25 No.3444 E P20R13>>3438 Alright then, let's try this. |
>> | ozzi D--: 13apr2012(fr)16:44 No.3459-3460 I P21-22R14 |
>> | |
>> | ozzi D--: 13apr2012(fr)17:20 No.3461 I P23 |
>> | Anonymous 15apr2012(su)07:05 No.3468 A P24R15 | Description: Visuals for red_thoughts.swf (from the Samurai Champloo ending) |
>> | Anonymous 18apr2012(we)00:06 No.3474 J P25R16 | random iii.rar (2.81 MiB) Unpacked: 2.82 MiB. Files: 6. Directories: 0. Images: 6. Contains: PNG <LIST> Description: random loop iii |
>> | Anonymous 18apr2012(we)00:13 No.3475 J P26 |
>> | Mega 19apr2012(th)13:59 No.3481 K P27R17Pic 8bit Mario! |
>> | Mega 19apr2012(th)14:05 No.3482 K P28pic mario |
>> | Anonymous 20apr2012(fr)01:07 No.3485 L P29R18 | insideofme.mp3 (3.6 MiB) 03:08 stereo 44kHz 160kbps CBR <PREVIEW>—ù–’뉀 - Inside of me [Genre_148] URL: Composer: —ù–¬‘m Copyright: —ù–’뉀 Encoder: Gogo >=3.0 |
>> | Anonymous 20apr2012(fr)01:11 No.3486 L P30 |
>> | Anonymous 20apr2012(fr)01:11 No.3487 L P31 |
>> | IAmArique 20apr2012(fr)16:49 No.3493 M P32R19 |
>> | IAmArique 20apr2012(fr)16:49 No.3494 M P33 |
>> | !///SWFAnts #ADMIN# 21apr2012(sa)01:57 No.3496 SWF P34R20>>3485 >>3486 >>3487 I took the liberty of finishing your loop for you, since you abandoned it. Here's how it turned out: l.swfI enjoy Paul Robertson's animations and thought it would be a shame if your loop idea never came into existance. Used the file name that you set for the project before giving up. Looks like the reason of you abandoning it was because you didn't add the correct gif animations to the project, you just added their thumbnails (a thumb only contains a few frames of the original). I have a suspicion that this problem may happen again in the future so I've made it so that if one tries to add a thumb resource to a project the actual resource will be added instead. Before I just had a big warning message when this happened but I understand now that some people won't read it. Link description: Home page of InsideOfHydreigongal.swf |
>> | Anonymous 21apr2012(sa)23:29 No.3505 N P35R21>>3496 Nice, though a pity the music isn't looped up short. Don't like fading endings in my loops. |
>> | !///SWFAnts #ADMIN# 22apr2012(su)02:16 No.3506 SWF P36R22>>3505 I agree. I just used what he uploaded straight off. |
>> | Anonymous 22apr2012(su)03:08 No.3507 A P37R23I think the Doom map is E1M3 (Toxin Refinery) but I'm not sure. Might be a custom map too. Also guessing this was captured using GZDoom and the Brütal Doom mod. Plus something that increases the number of enemies. Will be used to make port666.swf |
>> | Temporary Name 26apr2012(th)20:26 No.3528 O P38R24Upload Loopstuff | 2-04 Air Guitar.mp3 (1.45 MiB) 01:13 stereo 44kHz 154kbps VBR <PREVIEW>NicolArmarfi - Air Guitar "Katawa Shoujo Enigmatic Box of Sound" 2012 [Soundtrack] Comment: Track: 4/22 Encoder: LAME3.98r |
>> | Temporary Name 26apr2012(th)20:26 No.3529 O P39 |
>> | ozzi D--: 30apr2012(mo)20:36 No.3542 I P40R25tӓn bііtіn nіmі оn.. tӓn bііtіn nіmі оn.. DІGGОО! :----DDD |
>> | ozzi D--: 30apr2012(mo)20:36 No.3543 I P41tӓn bііtіn nіmі оn.. tӓn bііtіn nіmі оn.. DІGGОО! :----DDD |
>> | ozzi D--: 30apr2012(mo)21:40 No.3544 I P42diggoman |
>> | Anonymous 8may2012(tu)17:13 No.3569 A P43R26 |
>> | Anonymous 9may2012(we)05:08 No.3571 B P44R27>>3507 That is E1M3, Toxin Refinery, with the Brutal Doom mod. |
>> | Anonymous 13jun2012(we)16:09 No.3734 A P45R28 |
>> | Anonymous 25jun2012(mo)20:08 No.3813 A P46decide.swf |
>> | Anonymous 5jul2012(th)14:34 No.3853 P P47R29 |
>> | Anonymous 5jul2012(th)14:34 No.3854 P P48 |
>> | Anonymous 8jul2012(su)01:49 No.3873 Q P49R30 |
>> | sdt1_17b.png 21jul2012(sa)20:00 No.3983 R P50R31 |
>> | Anonymous 26jul2012(th)13:31 No.4010 A P51R32(removed low-quality dupe) [IMG] | [IMG] (8.39 MiB) Unpacked: 8.39 MiB. Files: 769. Directories: 0. Images: 769. Contains: JPG [IMG]Description: Visuals for forestglade.swf |
>> | Anonymous 27jul2012(fr)01:43 No.4011 A P52 | forestglade.rar * (25.8 MiB) Unpacked: 25.77 MiB. Files: 769. Directories: 0. Images: 769. Contains: JPG <LIST> Description: New visuals for forestglade.swf |
>> | Anonymous 3sep2012(mo)12:42 No.4435 S P53R33 |
>> | Anonymous 3sep2012(mo)12:42 No.4436 S P54 |
>> | Anonymous 19sep2012(we)21:49 No.4554 T P55R34 |
>> | Anonymous 23sep2012(su)22:10 No.4568 A P56R35These two will be used for liferun.swf |
>> | Anonymous 23sep2012(su)22:10 No.4569 A P57 |
>> | Anonymous 23sep2012(su)23:19 No.4570 A P58Will be used for mouthfingers.swf |
>> | Anonymous 12oct2012(fr)03:10 No.4740 A P59The game is Anno 1404: Dawn of Discovery with the Venice expansion pack. | Description: Will be used to make "within the city walls.swf" |
>> | bake 2nov2012(fr)00:07 No.4842 U P60R36 |
>> | bake 2nov2012(fr)15:18 No.4844 U P61 |
>> | bake 2nov2012(fr)15:19 No.4845 U P62 |
>> | Anonymous 6nov2012(tu)00:14 No.4865 A P63R37Will be used to make "rollby.swf". |
>> | Anonymous 16nov2012(fr)00:21 No.4902 V P64R38 | peer.mp3 (182.7 KiB) 00:11 stereo 44kHz 128kbps CBR <PREVIEW>Drx - Peer 2 Peer "Seven" 2011 [Chip Music] Comment: Track: 8/9 Encoder: LAME3.98r |
>> | Anonymous 16nov2012(fr)00:21 No.4903 V P65 |
>> | Anonymous 25nov2012(su)04:50 No.4953 A P66R39Will be used to make "angels.swf". |
>> | Anonymous 5dec2012(we)11:10 No.5051 A P67 | Description: Will be used to make "deutschland.swf". Visuals are from: Danger 5 (S01E06) |
>> | Anonymous 13dec2012(th)01:34 No.5103 A P68To be used in paintppl.swf |
>> | Anonymous 13dec2012(th)01:55 No.5104 A P69To be used in inwards.swf From the music video of "The Music Scene" by Blockhead. |
>> | Anonymous 28dec2012(fr)23:20 No.5186 W P70R40 |
>> | Anon 1jan2013(tu)05:05 No.5200 X P71R41 |
>> | drumber42 25jan2013(fr)21:00 No.5437 Y P72R42Grow Tower Icon Android |
>> | Anonymous 18mar2013(mo)07:18 No.6000 B P73R43 |
>> | Anonymous 26mar2013(tu)02:16 No.6067 Z P74R44 |
>> | Anonymous 27mar2013(we)22:41 No.6084 AA P75R45 |
>> | egg 30mar2013(sa)00:10 No.6098 AB P76R46egg egg goes in all fields |
>> | egg 30mar2013(sa)00:13 No.6099 AB P77egg egg is still in all fields |
>> | egg 30mar2013(sa)00:18 No.6100 AB P78egg This is the last time that egg goes in all fields. |
>> | egg 30mar2013(sa)00:21 No.6101 AB P79egg This is pissing me off just a little. |
>> | Anonymous 17apr2013(we)20:20 No.6269 A P80R47To be used in two_wheels.swf I think the gif is from a scene in the movie "The Master" (2012). |
>> | Anonymous 17apr2013(we)20:31 No.6270 A P81To be used in "airchase.swf". The game is Battlefield 3. |
>> | Anonymous 17apr2013(we)20:52 No.6271 A P82To be used in stare.swf She is Sharbat Gula, a 12 years-old refugee in Pakistan. The photo is entitled "Afghan Girl" and was shot December 1984. |
>> | Anonymous 17apr2013(we)21:12 No.6272 A P83To be used in "frolic.swf". The game is BioShock Infinite. |
>> | Anonymous 18apr2013(th)11:29 No.6278 A P84To be used in hoodstory.swf |
>> | Anonymous 18apr2013(th)11:52 No.6279 A P85To be used in spacecourse.swf Gif by Paul Robertson. |
>> | Anonymous 18apr2013(th)12:17 No.6280 A P86To be used in chinkycheek.swf Movie is "The Hajirai Machine Girl" (2009) |
>> | Anonymous 18apr2013(th)12:56 No.6281 A P87To be used in "loves_me_not.swf". |
>> | Anonymous 12may2013(su)21:48 No.6560 AC P88R48 |
>> | Anonymous 12may2013(su)21:49 No.6561 AC P89 |
>> | tdi 21may2013(tu)19:25 No.6784 AD P90R49 |
>> | Anonymous 4jun2013(tu)00:05 No.6927-6928 AE P91-92R50 |
>> | |
>> | Anonymous 6jun2013(th)12:02 No.6960 AE P93 | 10-Blue Valentines.mp3 * (13.37 MiB) 05:50 stereo 44kHz 320kbps CBR <PREVIEW>Tom Waits - Blue Valentines "Blue Valentine" 1978 [Rock] Track: 10 Composer: Tom Waits Album artist: Tom Waits Publisher: Asylum Encoder: LAME3.92 |
>> | Anonymous 6jun2013(th)12:02 No.6961 AE P94 |
>> | Anonymous 8jun2013(sa)13:28 No.6981 AE P95 | 09 Mexico.mp3 (5.47 MiB) 03:58 stereo 44kHz 192kbps CBR <PREVIEW>That Handsome Devil - Mexico "A City Dressed in Dynamite" 2008 [Alternative] Comment: 0 / 000012BA 000013C6 0000A636 0000A66C 00022D3E 0001459C 00008CC4 00008DC2 00012F29 0002373E / 00000000 00000210 00000750 0000000000A022A0 00000000 00571783 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 Track: 9 Composer: Jeremy Page/Naoko Takamoto/Oppel, Christian "Godforbid" Album artist: That Handsome Devil Encoder: iTunes v7.7.1.11 |
>> | Anonymous 8jun2013(sa)13:28 No.6982 AE P96 |
>> | Anonymous 8jun2013(sa)13:35 No.6983-6984 AE P97-98 |
>> | | 08 Squares.mp3 (4.64 MiB) 03:22 stereo 44kHz 192kbps CBR <PREVIEW>That Handsome Devil - Squares "A City Dressed in Dynamite" 2008 [Alternative] Comment: 0 / 000014CF 0000156D 0000B810 0000C40B 0002DCA7 0002D0B6 00008D13 00008A7F 0000F1A1 0000B7C6 / 00000000 00000210 000007BC 00000000008781B4 00000000 0049B07E 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 Track: 8 Composer: Evan Sanders/Jeremy Page/Oppel, Christian "Godforbid" Album artist: That Handsome Devil Encoder: iTunes v7.7.1.11 |
>> | Anonymous 11jun2013(tu)08:36 No.7024-7025 AE P99-100 |
>> | | 04-04-March.mp3 (6.68 MiB) 02:55 stereo 44kHz 320kbps CBR <PREVIEW>That Handsome Devil - March "The Jungle Book" [Other] Comment: 0 / 00000971 00000EB7 00006F11 000056FE 00027253 000148E0 000087E7 0000877E 00025905 00016EA1 / 00000000 00000210 000006F0 00000000006C3600 00000000 00620E0B 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 Track: 4 Album artist: That Handsome Devil Encoder: iTunes 10.5.2 |
>> | Anonymous 18jun2013(tu)08:36 No.7166-7167 AE P101-102 |
>> | | 06 Brick Ballades (Bonus Track).mp3 (5.7 MiB) 02:29 stereo 44kHz 320kbps CBR <PREVIEW>Sunrise - Brick Ballades (Bonus Track) "The Big O Original CD Drama Theater “Walking Together On The Yellow Brick Road"" 2000 [Soundtrack] Track: 6/7 Composer: 佐橋俊彦 Encoder: iTunes |
>> | Anonymous 18jun2013(tu)09:56 No.7168 AE P103 | rainy brick ballades.mp3 (2.29 MiB) 02:29 stereo 44kHz 128kbps CBR <PREVIEW>Sunrise - Brick Ballades "The Big O Original CD Drama Theater “Walking Together On The Yellow Brick Road"" 2000 Comment: Mixed with Rainy Mood Composer: James Dueck |
>> | Anonymous 20jun2013(th)12:50 No.7206 AE P104 | cold in here loop2.mp3 (2.86 MiB) 02:04 stereo 44kHz 192kbps CBR <PREVIEW>Alaskan Fishermen - Cold Up In Here "Fire & Ice" 2009 [Hip-Hop] Track: 5 Album artist: Alaskan Fishermen Encoder: LAME3.98 |
>> | Anonymous 20jun2013(th)12:50 No.7207 AE P105 |
>> | Anonymous 21jun2013(fr)03:59 No.7217 AF P106R51 |
>> | Anonymous 21jun2013(fr)04:12 No.7218 AF P107 |
>> | Anonymous 11jul2013(th)05:11 No.7417 AG P108R52 | PUNCHOUT! v3.mp3 (5.49 MiB) 03:37 stereo 48kHz 204kbps VBR <PREVIEW>Artist: The Adventures of Duane and BrandO "LP OF DEVASTATION" 2009 [Rap] Album artist: The Adventures of Duane and BrandO Encoder: LAME3.98r |
>> | Anonymous 11jul2013(th)05:11 No.7418 AG P109 |
>> | Anonymous 11jul2013(th)06:11 No.7419 A P110R53 |
>> | Anonymous 28jul2013(su)14:45 No.7643 AH P111R54 |
>> | Anonymous 28jul2013(su)14:49 No.7644 AH P112 |
>> | Anonymous 2aug2013(fr)06:49 No.7686-7687 AG P113-114R55 |
>> | | Pimphand.mp3 * (10.29 MiB) 04:29 stereo 44kHz 320kbps CBR <PREVIEW>Alaskan Fishermen - Pimphand "Alaskan Fishermen" 2012 [Hip-Hop] Track: 11 Album artist: Alaskan Fishermen Encoder: LAME3.99r |
>> | Anonymous 6aug2013(tu)08:36 No.7723 AG P115 | ENDLESS RELENTLESSNESS.mp3 (1.6 MiB) 01:01 stereo 48kHz 196kbps VBR <PREVIEW>Artist: The Adventures of Duane and BrandO "LP OF DEVASTATION" 2009 [Rap] Album artist: The Adventures of Duane and BrandO Encoder: LAME3.98r |
>> | Anonymous 6aug2013(tu)08:36 No.7724 AG P116 |
>> | Anonymous 8sep2013(su)22:43 No.8111 AI P117R56 |
>> | Almicutza 27sep2013(fr)14:18 No.8357 AJ P118R57 |
>> | Almicutza 27sep2013(fr)14:54 No.8358 AJ P119Detective grimoire Game icon |
>> | Almicutza 28sep2013(sa)20:55 No.8363 AJ P120crazyville icon |
>> | Almicutza 29sep2013(su)00:34 No.8368 AJ P121luke icon |
>> | Almicutza 29sep2013(su)00:45 No.8369 AJ P122Lukke Icon |
>> | Almicutza 29sep2013(su)00:53 No.8370 AJ P123Creepo Icon |
>> | Almicutza 29sep2013(su)00:59 No.8371 AJ P124Vortex Point 2 Icon |
>> | Almicutza 29sep2013(su)01:27 No.8375 AJ P125Pierre Hotel Icon |
>> | Almicutza 29sep2013(su)01:33 No.8376 AJ P126The Proposal Icon |
>> | Almicutza 29sep2013(su)01:39 No.8377 AJ P127Route 104 Motel Icon |
>> | Almicutza 30sep2013(mo)12:33 No.8387 AJ P128Mermaid City Icon |
>> | Anonymous 1oct2013(tu)15:08 No.8406 AK P129R58 |
>> | Anonymous 1oct2013(tu)15:08 No.8407 AK P130 |
>> | Anonymous 2oct2013(we)00:21 No.8413 A P131R59 |
>> | ZIn-Uru 2oct2013(we)11:40 No.8416 AL P132R60VVVVVV icon VVVVVV |
>> | Almicutza 4oct2013(fr)14:51 No.8442 AJ P133R61covertfront 1 Icon |
>> | Almicutza 4oct2013(fr)14:55 No.8443 AJ P134covertfront 2 Icon |
>> | Almicutza 4oct2013(fr)15:05 No.8444 AJ P135CovertFront3 Icon |
>> | Almicutza 4oct2013(fr)15:11 No.8445 AJ P136Covert Front Icon |
>> | Anonymous 4oct2013(fr)15:16 No.8447 AK P137R62>>8406 (Hopefully) Seamless WAV version |
>> | Almicutza 10oct2013(th)00:30 No.8517 AJ P138R63vortex point 3 icon |
>> | Anonymous 24oct2013(th)12:49 No.8637-8638 AM P139-140R64Sidejumping_Link Save Princess Zelda |
>> | |
>> | Anonymous 28oct2013(mo)00:50 No.8672 AN P141R65test test |
>> | TheRealTukz 9dec2013(mo)15:28 No.9020 AO P142R66Kurt Cobain is a psychopath |
>> | Anonymous 14dec2013(sa)21:29 No.9054 AP P143R67 |
>> | Anonymous 14dec2013(sa)21:30 No.9055 AP P144 |
>> | Anonymous 25jan2014(sa)20:22 No.9328 AQ P145R68I'M GONNA BE A STAR i apologize |
>> | Anonymous 25jan2014(sa)20:22 No.9329 AQ P146 |
>> | Anonymous 25jan2014(sa)20:26 No.9330 AQ P147 |
>> | Nanonymous 4feb2014(tu)14:55 No.9497 AR P148R69Hot sex - Vanilla Ice test |
>> | Nanonymous 4feb2014(tu)16:45 No.9499 AR P149XessekoP test |
>> | bUdPnG 4feb2014(tu)23:29 No.9501 AS P150R70Green Dragon Mahjong Logo for flash mahjong game |
>> | bUdPnG 4feb2014(tu)23:42 No.9502 AS P151Midori Ryu Mahjong Green Dragon Mahjong Logo |
>> | Anonymous 10feb2014(mo)07:05 No.9617-9618 AT P152-153R71No idea what I'm doing. No time to learn like the present, though! |
>> | |
>> | Anonymous 11feb2014(tu)03:13 No.9652 AU P154R72 |
>> | Anonymous 12feb2014(we)06:20 No.9679 AV P155R73 |
>> | Anonymous 12feb2014(we)06:21 No.9680 AV P156 |
>> | Anonymous 20mar2014(th)00:22 No.9880 A P157R74>ain't easy.swf |
>> | Anonymous 2may2014(fr)10:02 No.12847 AW P158R75Ray and Cooper 2 cover |
>> | Anonymous 2may2014(fr)10:21 No.12848 AW P159vortex4 cover |
>> | stonedDiscord 13may2014(tu)19:41 No.13022 AX P160R76Dr. Dre - What's the difference bang |
>> | stonedDiscord 13may2014(tu)20:14 No.13023 AX P161Dr. Dre - What's the difference Instrumental yoooo |
>> | stonedDiscord 13may2014(tu)20:37 No.13024 AX P162Dr. Dre walkin black man |
>> | Anonymous 4jun2014(we)07:15 No.13223 AY P163R77 |
>> | Anonymous 4jun2014(we)07:35 No.13224 AY P164 |
>> | Anonymous 4jun2014(we)07:41 No.13225 AY P165 |
>> | Anonymous 4jun2014(we)07:45 No.13226 AY P166 |
>> | Anonymous 10jun2014(tu)12:33 No.13301 AZ P167R78 |
>> | Anonymous 23jun2014(mo)04:27 No.13392 BA P168R79 |
>> | Twerk it 15jul2014(tu)06:45 No.13652 BB P169R80Blonde twerking twerk blonde | twerk.rar (2 MiB) Unpacked: 2.01 MiB. Files: 1. Directories: 0. Images: 1. Contains: GIF <LIST> Description: amazing blonde |
>> | Twerk it 15jul2014(tu)06:45 No.13653 BB P170 | twerk.mp3 (8.26 MiB) 03:36 stereo 44kHz 320kbps CBR <PREVIEW>Momma's Fat Boi ft Team 901 - Work yo self (twerk music) (Main) "Promoted by the WorkSessions Record Pool" 2013 [Hip-Hop] Comment: Book Momma's Fat Boi (901) 31 BPM: 0 |
>> | Anonymous 21jul2014(mo)05:41 No.13876 A P171R81 |
>> | Anonymous 22jul2014(tu)17:24 No.13920 BC P172R82 |
>> | Anonymous 1sep2014(mo)12:25 No.14576 BD P173R83 |
>> | As Far as i can see 2sep2014(tu)03:12 No.14602 BE P174R84 |
>> | Glory 2sep2014(tu)03:16 No.14603 BE P175asd asd |
>> | !///SWFAnts #ADMIN# 2sep2014(tu)23:52 No.14646 SWF P176R85So I've noticed resources has been uploaded for creation of at least five flash loops since the new server was put to use but none of them seems to have been completed. I was wondering why this is? I tested the swf loop maker after the new server was set up so I don't think it's broken. Is the thing really so hard to navigate that almost nobody can figure out how to use it? If I can get some feedback on what is so difficult maybe I can make it easier to use, or at least give instructions if you have questions on how to use it. It kinda sucks when you build a tool and nobody can utilize it. |
>> | Anonymous 4sep2014(th)14:24 No.14674 BF P177R86>>14646 I have seen at least >>5104 in a loop called inwards.swf Maybe the all just way too lazy |
>> | Martijn 4sep2014(th)15:11 No.14678 BG P178R87 |
>> | Martijn 4sep2014(th)15:11 No.14679 BG P179 |
>> | Anonymous 5sep2014(fr)21:42 No.14710 BH P180R88 |
>> | !///SWFAnts #ADMIN# 5sep2014(fr)22:57 No.14713 SWF P181R89>>14674 Yeah that one was made by me. In fact almost all of them were made by me, less than 5% of the loops created using that tool were not made by me. Funny or sad, I'd just like to know if it's because it's too hard to use or if there's not really much demand for it. Seeing how many uploaded resources there are here that weren't used I'm leaning towards that it's too difficult to use. I know the layout of the thing is pretty bad, but it shouldn't be so bad that people can't figure it out. It's basically just fill-in-textfields and press-buttons and out pops a swf file. On the old server there was an issue of loading times due to server overload but the new server should finish page requests very fast. |
>> | Anonymous 11sep2014(th)00:54 No.14813 BI P182R90 |
>> | Anonymous 11sep2014(th)01:21 No.14815 BI P183 |
>> | Anonymous 11sep2014(th)01:28 No.14827 BI P184 |
>> | Anonymous 11sep2014(th)01:39 No.14859 BI P185 |
>> | Anonymous 11sep2014(th)01:39 No.14860 BI P186 |
>> | Anonymous 11sep2014(th)01:39 No.14861 BI P187 |
>> | a'sa's 12sep2014(fr)16:52 No.14893 BJ P188R91awtrdy setdutfy |
>> | Anonymous 5oct2014(su)03:25 No.15273 BK P189R92sunshine hmm | Clint EastForestInterlude.mp3 (6.76 MiB) 04:55 stereo 44kHz 192kbps CBR <PREVIEW>Gorillaz/David Wise - Clint EastForestInterlude "Gorillaz/Donkey Kong Country 2" 2010 [Hip-Hop] Comment: Arranged by Matt Mulligan Track: 12 Album artist: Rare Encoder: LAME3.92 |
>> | Anonymous 5oct2014(su)03:25 No.15274 BK P190 |
>> | Anonymous 11oct2014(sa)16:28 No.15401 BL P191R93 |
>> | iwakura korosu 12oct2014(su)02:08 No.15421-15422 BM P192-193R94 |
>> | |
>> | iwakura korosu 12oct2014(su)02:17 No.15425 BM P194 |
>> | iwakura korosu 13oct2014(mo)04:22 No.15537 BM P195 |
>> | iwakura korosu 13oct2014(mo)04:26 No.15539 BM P196 |
>> | Anonymous 14oct2014(tu)10:41 No.15588 BN P197R95 |
>> | Anonymous 14oct2014(tu)10:54 No.15589 BN P198 |
>> | Anonymous 14oct2014(tu)10:54 No.15590 BN P199 |
>> | Anonymous 14oct2014(tu)10:55 No.15591 BN P200 |
>> | Anonymous 14oct2014(tu)11:44 No.15592 BN P201 |
>> | iwakura korosu 15oct2014(we)06:22 No.15601-15602 BM P202-203R96 |
>> | |
>> | iwakura korosu 16oct2014(th)00:14 No.15610 BM P204>>15601 one day I'll at this today is not that day |
>> | watermokou 19oct2014(su)17:57 No.15692 BO P205R97 |
>> | watermokou 19oct2014(su)18:07 No.15693 BO P206 |
>> | LOL9090 30oct2014(th)21:56 No.15856 BP P207R98TES9090 LOL |
>> | Anonymous 1nov2014(sa)10:46 No.15894 BQ P208R99 | 1.mp3 (817 KiB) 00:52 stereo 44kHz 128kbps CBR <PREVIEW>Encoder: LAME3.99r |
>> | Anonymous 1nov2014(sa)10:51 No.15895 BQ P209wat fuck fuck fuck | Image.rar (4.85 MiB) Unpacked: 4.85 MiB. Files: 24. Directories: 0. Images: 24. Contains: PNG <LIST> Description: mothing fucking shut up and let me post |
>> | poteto 5nov2014(we)20:52 No.16005 BR P210R100yay |
>> | Anonymous 11nov2014(tu)02:01 No.16108 BS P211R101 |
>> | Anonymous 11nov2014(tu)02:01 No.16109 BS P212 |
>> | Anonymous 11nov2014(tu)02:12 No.16111 BS P213woah ok let's see if it can gather this one |
>> | Anonymous 11nov2014(tu)02:18 No.16112 BS P214>>14713 Well I keep trying to have it gather Audio files and it tells me to fuck off constantly.I even tried to change the file format or even use random files from this thread to see if it changed. |
>> | Anonymous 11nov2014(tu)02:25 No.16113 BS P215gonna try to make this work and if it don't then I give up |
>> | Anonymous 11nov2014(tu)02:31 No.16114 BS P216Didn't work. I even tried switching browsers. |
>> | Anonymous 14nov2014(fr)05:08 No.16146 BS P217It seems only getfile.asp URLs seem to be gathered by the Service. Maybe I'm just using the wrong links? I attempt copy the link address of files in this thread and they don't work. For instance: Throwing URLs of this format is what I've been trying to do basically, no ticket. Files that are bigger than 10MB and trigger the getfile.asp URLs seem to work for the Service though. Link description: Direct link to Files on this thread |
>> | Anonymous 14nov2014(fr)05:22 No.16147 BS P218 |
>> | Anonymous 14nov2014(fr)06:19 No.16148 BS P219Fuck yeah it worked, real cool service dude. I think the reason behind very few people using it is because most people hang up where I have. |
>> | Anonymous 18nov2014(tu)16:06 No.16202 BT P220R102 |
>> | Anonymous 18nov2014(tu)20:21 No.16205 BU P221R103 |
>> | Anonymous 19nov2014(we)08:38 No.16207 BV P222R104 |
>> | Anonymous 19nov2014(we)08:39 No.16208 BV P223 |
>> | iwakura korosu 19nov2014(we)23:56 No.16220 BM P224R105 |
>> | iwakura korosu 19nov2014(we)23:58 No.16221 BM P225 |
>> | bb 23nov2014(su)05:33 No.16260 BW P226R106empty audio blue loop | 5sec.mp3 (79 KiB) 00:05 mono 44kHz 128kbps CBR <PREVIEW> - Silent MP3 5 Seconds [Soul] Comment: From Encoder: LAME3.93 |
>> | bb 23nov2014(su)05:33 No.16261 BW P227 |
>> | bb 23nov2014(su)05:47 No.16262 BW P228bbb bbb |
>> | Anonymous 26nov2014(we)12:51 No.16301 BX P229R107 |
>> | Anonymous 26nov2014(we)12:51 No.16302 BX P230 |
>> | Anonymous 7dec2014(su)06:18 No.16467 BY P231R108 |
>> | Anonymous 7dec2014(su)06:18 No.16468 BY P232 |
>> | Anonymous 12dec2014(fr)01:59 No.16559 BR P233R109hm |
>> | Anonymous 12dec2014(fr)02:18 No.16561 BR P234 |
>> | Anonymous 12dec2014(fr)02:26 No.16562 BR P235 |
>> | Anonymous 12dec2014(fr)02:47 No.16563 BR P236 |
>> | Anonymous 12dec2014(fr)12:37 No.16568 BR P237² sorry. |
>> | Anonymous 13dec2014(sa)17:16 No.16580 BZ P238R110 |
>> | Anonymous 13dec2014(sa)17:21 No.16581 BZ P239 |
>> | Anonymous 13dec2014(sa)19:35 No.16582 CA P240R111 |
>> | Anonymous 13dec2014(sa)19:35 No.16583 CA P241 |
>> | Anonymous 14dec2014(su)23:34 No.16601 BR P242R112 |
>> | Anonymous 14dec2014(su)23:36 No.16602 BR P243 |
>> | Anonymous 14dec2014(su)23:40 No.16603 BR P244 |
>> | Anonymous 14dec2014(su)23:55 No.16604 BR P245 |
>> | Anonymous 30dec2014(tu)07:18 No.16843 CB P246R113strike force heros pic for apk |
>> | Anonymous 30dec2014(tu)16:45 No.16847 CC P247R114 |
>> | Perico 5jan2015(mo)10:28 No.16979 CD P248R115mahjongg A counter from Mahjongg |
>> | Anonymous 11jan2015(su)01:44 No.17072 CE P249R116 |
>> | Anonymous 11jan2015(su)01:46 No.17073 CE P250 |
>> | Anonymous 11jan2015(su)02:24 No.17074 CE P251Pardon me,need to reupload that mp3 since I dont want my name as Artist in it,I only edited the song. |
>> | !///SWFAnts #ADMIN# 11jan2015(su)02:56 No.17076 SWF P252R117>>16148 Hey dude, glad you like the service! I just made a quick fix so that "" is read as simply "", should clear up confusion from that in the future. I really should have done this earlier but I just didn't notice! Excuse the late reply. |
>> | Anonymous 11jan2015(su)04:55 No.17081 CE P253R118 |
>> | Anonymous 11jan2015(su)04:59 No.17082 CE P254 |
>> | Anonymous 11jan2015(su)16:32 No.17094 CE P255 |
>> | Anonymous 12jan2015(mo)21:52 No.17140 CE P256 |
>> | Anonymous 12jan2015(mo)23:06 No.17143 CE P257Thank you for this great service by the way. mp3 for my next flash. |
>> | Anonymous 13jan2015(tu)22:15 No.17159 CE P258It sure is cold outside... |
>> | Anonymous 13jan2015(tu)22:15 No.17160 CE P259 |
>> | Anonymous 14jan2015(we)03:49 No.17165 CF P260R119 | Description: Gif for my loop |
>> | Anonymous 14jan2015(we)06:54 No.17169 CF P261 | Description: gif for loop |
>> | Anonymous 14jan2015(we)07:35 No.17170 CG P262R120 |
>> | Anonymous 15jan2015(th)15:56 No.17187 CE P263R121 |
>> | Anonymous 15jan2015(th)15:56 No.17188 CE P264 |
>> | Anonymous 17jan2015(sa)03:32 No.17227 CE P265 |
>> | Anonymous 17jan2015(sa)03:32 No.17228 CE P266 |
>> | Anonymous 21jan2015(we)19:06 No.17333 CH P267R122 |
>> | Anonymous 22jan2015(th)09:49 No.17346 CI P268R123 |
>> | Anonymous 22jan2015(th)09:50 No.17347 CI P269 |
>> | Anonymous 23jan2015(fr)19:29 No.17360 CJ P270R124Shantae for swf to apk icon. |
>> | Anonymous 23jan2015(fr)19:37 No.17361 CJ P271Shantae Fix fix |
>> | Anonymous 27jan2015(tu)13:44 No.17456 CE P272R125 |
>> | Anonymous 27jan2015(tu)13:44 No.17457 CE P273 |
>> | adih2001 1feb2015(su)14:37 No.17574 CK P274R126Submachine 5 icon lol |
>> | Anonymous 2feb2015(mo)23:36 No.17614-17615 CL P275-276R127Now golly jeepers its the reapers |
>> | | DOG.mp3 (220.9 KiB) 00:14 stereo 44kHz 128kbps CBR <PREVIEW>Encoder: Lavf52.16.0 / LAME3.98.2 |
>> | Anonymous 2feb2015(mo)23:36 No.17616 CL P277 |
>> | Anonymous 9feb2015(mo)22:17 No.17798 CM P278R128 |
>> | Anonymous 14feb2015(sa)23:24 No.17920 CE P279R129 |
>> | Anonymous 14feb2015(sa)23:24 No.17921 CE P280 |
>> | Anonymous 14feb2015(sa)23:45 No.17922 CN P281R130Webdings Loop # 1 Heart drinking some soda while relaxing. |
>> | Anonymous 15feb2015(su)01:26 No.17926 CN P282Webdings Loop # 2 Theater Masks doing their thing. |
>> | ... 15feb2015(su)02:25 No.17928 CO P283R131To be used in SlowmoBasset.gif asdfghjkl |
>> | ... 15feb2015(su)02:25 No.17929 CO P284 |
>> | Anonymous 15feb2015(su)07:51 No.17930 CN P285R132Webdings Loop # 3 They keep on knocking themselves off a cliff. |
>> | Anonymous 15feb2015(su)19:08 No.17938 CE P286R133Woops! Improved version of the same song. Static noises suck. |
>> | Anonymous 16feb2015(mo)17:42 No.17970 CE P287 |
>> | Anonymous 16feb2015(mo)17:42 No.17971 CE P288 |
>> | Anonymous 27feb2015(fr)06:28 No.18129 CP P289R134Icon text |
>> | Anonymous 27feb2015(fr)18:32 No.18136 CQ P290R135 |
>> | Lostpotential 28feb2015(sa)18:35 No.18175 CR P291R136LostPotential Swf for fooly cooly |
>> | Lostpotential 28feb2015(sa)18:35 No.18176 CR P292 |
>> | maimesmoking 1mar2015(su)20:07 No.18201 CR P293 |
>> | maimesmoking 1mar2015(su)20:07 No.18202 CR P294 |
>> | Anonymous 4mar2015(we)08:17 No.18244 CS P295R137 |
>> | maimesmoking 5mar2015(th)06:01 No.18271 CR P296R138 |
>> | Anonymous 7mar2015(sa)02:48 No.18292 CT P297R139TrialsInTaintedSpaceIcon Icon for android app |
>> | Anonymous 9mar2015(mo)04:05 No.18328 CU P298R140 | Description: Images for loop |
>> | Anonymous 11mar2015(we)14:40 No.18353 CV P299R141 |
>> | Anonymous 15mar2015(su)02:44 No.18412 CU P300R142 | Description: files for a loop |
>> | Anonymous 15mar2015(su)06:56 No.18417 CU P301 | Description: Bouncing Tits |
>> | Anonymous 22mar2015(su)00:57 No.18570 CW P302R14307 Test | 07 Battle (VS Gym Leader) [Pokemon Blue] - Conundrum ~J...mp3 (6.77 MiB) 04:02 stereo 44kHz 228kbps VBR <PREVIEW>Jakesnke17 feat. Source X - Conundrum ~Jolteon~ [Battle (VS Gym Leader)] "Pokémon: The Eevee EP" 2013 [Game] Comment: / Pokémon: The Eevee EP / Source: Battle (VS Gym Leader) [Pokémon Blue Version] URL: Track: 7/9 Composer: Junichi Masuda Album artist: OverClocked ReMix Publisher: OverClocked ReMix Original artist: Game Boy Copyright: Nintendo/Creatures/GAME FREAK Encoder: Dustin Lagaly ( / LAME3.98r |
>> | Anonymous 22mar2015(su)00:57 No.18571 CW P303 |
>> | Anonymous 22mar2015(su)05:40 No.18572 CX P304R144BALLSBALLSBALLS |
>> | Anonymous 26mar2015(th)09:40 No.18633 CY P305R145 |
>> | Anonymous 26mar2015(th)09:40 No.18634 CY P306 |
>> | Anonymous 26mar2015(th)10:09 No.18635 CY P307 |
>> | Anonymous 28mar2015(sa)14:25 No.18662 CZ P308R146Final Fantasy X-2 thumbnail for APK thumbnail for Final Fantasy SWF to APK conversion. |
>> | Xmodious 30mar2015(mo)03:49 No.18741 DA P309R147CoC Loving this game. |
>> | Anonymous 6apr2015(mo)16:49 No.19065 DB P310R148Corporation INC Thumb for Corporation INC APK |
>> | Anonymous 8apr2015(we)03:22 No.19119 DC P311R149 |
>> | Anonymous 8apr2015(we)03:38 No.19120 DC P312 |
>> | Anonymous 8apr2015(we)23:13 No.19136 BF P313R150 |
>> | Anonymous 11apr2015(sa)20:30 No.19168 DD P314R151 | kj.mp3 (1.82 MiB) 01:59 stereo 44kHz 128kbps CBR <PREVIEW>Encoder: LAME3.99.5 |
>> | Anonymous 11apr2015(sa)20:30 No.19169 DD P315 |
>> | Anonymous 19apr2015(su)22:53 No.19427-19428 DE P316-317R152Recently got the Swat Kats DVD's so thought I'd have a go at making some loops. |
>> | |
>> | Anonymous 19apr2015(su)23:37 No.19431 DE P318 |
>> | Vague 20apr2015(mo)20:16 No.19471 DF P319R153thumbnail thumbnail |
>> | yzr64 23apr2015(th)04:19 No.19516 DG P320R154The Image of Life it's a shiba |
>> | sammy 4may2015(mo)18:44 No.19736 DH P321R15550 Stattes 50 States |
>> | sammy 4may2015(mo)18:58 No.19737 DH P322United States Map United States Map |
>> | sammy 4may2015(mo)19:04 No.19738 DH P323map map |
>> | Anonymous 13may2015(we)16:02 No.19920 DI P324R156 |
>> | Anonymous 20may2015(we)22:20 No.20092-20093 DD P325-326R157 |
>> | | 21 - Uptown Girl - Billy Joel.mp3 (6.62 MiB) 03:17 stereo 44kHz 275kbps VBR <PREVIEW>Billy Joel - Uptown Girl "The Essential Billy Joel 3.0 CD2" 2008 [Rock/Pop] Comment: / Track: 21 Encoder: LAME3.99r |
>> | Anonymous 25may2015(mo)11:02 No.20187 DD P327 | 03 American tune.mp3 (2.44 MiB) 02:27 stereo 44kHz 128kbps CBR <PREVIEW>Andrew Jackson Jihad - American Tune "Knife Man" 2011 [Folk Punk] Track: 3/16 Encoder: LAME3.98r |
>> | Anonymous 25may2015(mo)11:02 No.20188 DD P328 |
>> | Anonymous 28may2015(th)02:24 No.20262 DJ P329R158 |
>> | Anonymous 29may2015(fr)05:23 No.20276 DK P330R159 |
>> | Anonymous 30may2015(sa)15:26 No.20297 DL P331R160 |
>> | Anonymous 5jun2015(fr)08:07 No.20449 A P332R161 |
>> | Anonymous 6jun2015(sa)14:51 No.20473 DM P333R162 |
>> | Anonymous 6jun2015(sa)14:53 No.20474 DM P334 |
>> | Anonymous 6jun2015(sa)14:56 No.20475 DM P335 |
>> | Anonymous 9jun2015(tu)11:02 No.20504 DN P336R163 |
>> | Anonymous 9jun2015(tu)11:05 No.20505 DN P337 | pon.mp3 (3.39 MiB) 02:57 stereo 44kHz 160kbps CBR <PREVIEW>Title: pon Encoder: iTunes |
>> | Anonymous 10jun2015(we)08:31 No.20525 DN P338 |
>> | Anonymous 11jun2015(th)05:12 No.20537 DO P339R164Tic Tac testt |
>> | Anonymous 11jun2015(th)13:24 No.20540 DP P340R165 |
>> | Anonymous 11jun2015(th)13:24 No.20541 DP P341 |
>> | Anonymous 12jun2015(fr)22:39 No.20579 DN P342R166 | Kokoro.mp3 (4.36 MiB) 03:48 stereo 44kHz 160kbps CBR <PREVIEW>Title: Kokoro Encoder: iTunes |
>> | Anonymous 12jun2015(fr)22:39 No.20580 DN P343 |
>> | Anonymous 16jun2015(tu)22:27 No.20691 DN P344 |
>> | Anonymous 16jun2015(tu)22:32 No.20692 DN P345 |
>> | Anonymous 17jun2015(we)03:54 No.20699 DN P346 |
>> | Anonymous 27jun2015(sa)06:37 No.21001 DQ P347R167Touchdown Icon Icon image for apk tool |
>> | Anonymous 3jul2015(fr)21:56 No.21157 DR P348R168 |
>> | Anonymous 4jul2015(sa)14:07 No.21175 DS P349R169 |
>> | Anonymous 4jul2015(sa)14:10 No.21176 DS P350 |
>> | Anonymous 6jul2015(mo)21:56 No.21237 DD P351R170 | 12 - Hold On Tight.mp3 (7.17 MiB) 03:06 stereo 44kHz 320kbps CBR <PREVIEW>Electric Light Orchestra - Hold On Tight "Time" 1981 [Rock] Track: 12/16 Encoder: LAME3.92 |
>> | Anonymous 6jul2015(mo)21:56 No.21238 DD P352 |
>> | Anonymous 7jul2015(tu)06:34 No.21246 DT P353R171 |
>> | Anonymous 7jul2015(tu)08:02 No.21253 DU P354R172 |
>> | Anonymous 7jul2015(tu)08:02 No.21254 DU P355 |
>> | Anonymous 10jul2015(fr)23:56 No.21369 DV P356R173 | ぽん (Pon Pon Pon).mp3 (2.76 MiB) 02:57 stereo 44kHz 128kbps CBR <PREVIEW>EifiE - ぽん (Pon Pon Pon) [Flower Sound] Comment: <3<3<3 Copyright: Encoder: LAME3.99r |
>> | Anonymous 13jul2015(mo)08:44 No.21429 DW P357R174Thompson will do anything for approval |
>> | Anonymous 13jul2015(mo)20:36 No.21448 DX P358R175Merzbow - Woodpecker No. 1 Warning: ear rape |
>> | Anonymous 13jul2015(mo)21:00 No.21449 DX P359Merzbow - Woodpecker No. 1 mp3 baka |
>> | Anonymous 13jul2015(mo)21:05 No.21450 DX P360Merzbow - Woodpecker No. 1 ii eyerape |
>> | DarkScorpion 15jul2015(we)03:38 No.21480 DY P361R176There She Is There She Is Image |
>> | DarkScorpion 15jul2015(we)03:50 No.21482 DY P362There She Is (Icon) Icon for There She Is!! |
>> | Anonymous 15jul2015(we)07:16 No.21491 DN P363R177 |
>> | Anonymous 15jul2015(we)07:28 No.21492 DN P364 | Arita.mp3 (3.63 MiB) 03:09 stereo 44kHz 160kbps CBR <PREVIEW>EifiE - Arita Encoder: iTunes |
>> | Anonymous 15jul2015(we)17:41 No.21496 DX P365R178Oneohtrix Point Never - Need .,.,., |
>> | Anonymous 15jul2015(we)17:44 No.21498 DX P366fmtownsmarty misc |
>> | Anonymous 15jul2015(we)22:36 No.21504 DX P367fmtownsmarty et cetera .,...,.,.,.,,.,.,..,.,.,.,.,,,,,.,.,.,.,naasau |
>> | Anonymous 15jul2015(we)22:36 No.21505 DX P368 |
>> | Anonymous 15jul2015(we)22:36 No.21506 DX P369 |
>> | Anonymous 15jul2015(we)22:49 No.21507 DX P370Oneohtrix Point Never - Andro .,.,.,.,,,,,,....,,.,.,.,,,.,. | 01 Andro.mp3 (3.89 MiB) 04:14 stereo 44kHz 128kbps CBR <PREVIEW>Oneohtrix Point Never - Andro "Replica" 2011 Track: 1/10 Album artist: Oneohtrix Point Never Encoder: iTunes |
>> | Anonymous 16jul2015(th)00:43 No.21508 DN P371R179 |
>> | Anonymous 16jul2015(th)00:50 No.21509 DN P372 |
>> | Anonymous 16jul2015(th)01:01 No.21510 DN P373 |
>> | Anonymous 16jul2015(th)20:16 No.21517 DZ P374R180 |
>> | Anonymous 18jul2015(sa)12:56 No.21550-21551 EA P375-376R181 |
>> | |
>> | Anonymous 22jul2015(we)22:09 No.21629 EB P377R182 |
>> | joeprime14 23jul2015(th)22:42 No.21666 EC P378R183lollipop_icon Icon for my games and swf air apps |
>> | 19683dw 24jul2015(fr)05:59 No.21680 ED P379R184GWOP Image blahblah |
>> | Anonymous 10aug2015(mo)20:01 No.22216 EE P380R185 |
>> | Anonymous 19aug2015(we)03:20 No.22436 EF P381R186 |
>> | Anonymous 19aug2015(we)03:55 No.22438 EF P382 |
>> | Anonymous 27aug2015(th)04:16 No.22762 EG P383R187 |
>> | Anonymous 27aug2015(th)04:45 No.22766 EG P384 |
>> | Anonymous 27aug2015(th)20:22 No.22812-22813 DD P385-386R188 |
>> | | 05 sandman.mp3 (6.65 MiB) 03:37 stereo 44kHz 256kbps CBR <PREVIEW>Roger Joseph Manning Jr. - Sandman "Solid State Warrior" 2006 [Pop] Comment: 00000DE9 00000BEE 00005EEA 00005777 00018B34 0002B67D 00008291 0000815A 0002B268 0002B663 / 00000000 00000210 00000924 0000000000926F4C 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 Track: 5/11 Encoder: iTunes v6.0.1.3 |
>> | Anonymous 27aug2015(th)20:42 No.22814-22815 DD P387-388 |
>> | |
>> | Anonymous 29aug2015(sa)09:02 No.22895 EH P389R189 |
>> | Anonymous 6sep2015(su)00:08 No.23194 EI P390R190 |
>> | SwftoApk 8sep2015(tu)08:39 No.23250 EJ P391R191 |
>> | jspzyhl 8sep2015(tu)19:35 No.23269 EK P392R192 |
>> | jspzyhl 8sep2015(tu)19:36 No.23271 EK P393 |
>> | Dins 10sep2015(th)16:59 No.23376 EL P394R193Samus Aran - Zero Suit Heyo just found a nice pic of Samus |
>> | SwftoApk 11sep2015(fr)05:40 No.23413 EJ P395R194 |
>> | Anonymous 12sep2015(sa)10:45 No.23455 EM P396R195 |
>> | Anonymous 12sep2015(sa)10:51 No.23456 EM P397 |
>> | Anonymous 14sep2015(mo)06:08 No.23517 EN P398R196 |
>> | Anonymous 14sep2015(mo)06:08 No.23518 EN P399 |
>> | Anonymous 21sep2015(mo)06:53 No.23777 EO P400R197 | sacrifice.mp3 (2.61 MiB) 02:51 stereo 44kHz 128kbps CBR <PREVIEW>Michael Nyman - EPI_16_The Sacrifice "The Piano" 1993 [Classical] Track: 16 Composer: Michael Nyman Album artist: Michael Nyman Publisher: Virgin |
>> | Anonymous 21sep2015(mo)06:53 No.23778 EO P401 |
>> | Anonymous 25sep2015(fr)12:26 No.23912-23913 EP P402-403R198testeroni |
>> | |
>> | Anonymous 25sep2015(fr)23:12 No.23916 EP P404 |
>> | Anonymous 25sep2015(fr)23:12 No.23917 EP P405 |
>> | Anonymous 26sep2015(sa)03:09 No.23926 EP P406 |
>> | Anonymous 26sep2015(sa)03:09 No.23927 EP P407 |
>> | Anonymous 26sep2015(sa)04:34 No.23929-23930 EP P408-409 |
>> | |
>> | Anonymous 26sep2015(sa)09:19 No.23936-23937 EP P410-411 |
>> | | kittycity_320.mp3 (5.55 MiB) 02:25 stereo 44kHz 320kbps CBR <PREVIEW>Cyriak - welcome to kitty city Comment: made with FruityLoops 3 (98-01) Encoder: LAME3.98r |
>> | Anonymous 27sep2015(su)02:34 No.23951 EP P412 |
>> | Anonymous 27sep2015(su)02:34 No.23952 EP P413 |
>> | Anonymous 27sep2015(su)05:55 No.23953 EP P414 | Pure.mp3 (5.47 MiB) 02:21 stereo 44kHz 320kbps CBR <PREVIEW>Blackbird Blackbird - Pure 2010 Comment: Visit Encoder: LAME3.98r |
>> | Anonymous 27sep2015(su)05:55 No.23954 EP P415 |
>> | Anonymous 27sep2015(su)06:20 No.23959-23960 EP P416-417 |
>> | | NosajThing_02_Fog.mp3 (6.16 MiB) 03:42 stereo 44kHz 232kbps VBR <PREVIEW>Nosaj Thing - Fog "Drift" 2009 [Electronic] Track: 2 Album artist: Nosaj Thing Encoder: LAME3.98r |
>> | Anonymous 27sep2015(su)06:31 No.23961 EP P418 |
>> | Anonymous 27sep2015(su)09:40 No.23964 EP P419 |
>> | Anonymous 27sep2015(su)09:40 No.23965 EP P420 |
>> | Anonymous 27sep2015(su)19:48 No.23976 EQ P421R199 |
>> | Anonymous 27sep2015(su)19:48 No.23977 EQ P422 |
>> | Anonymous 29sep2015(tu)16:16 No.24027-24028 EP P423-424R200 |
>> | | Fleece - Aliens.mp3 (9.9 MiB) 04:14 stereo 44kHz 320kbps CBR <PREVIEW>"Scavenger" 2015 Comment: Visit Track: 1 Album artist: Fleece Encoder: LAME3.99r |
>> | Anonymous 29sep2015(tu)20:33 No.24034 EP P425 |
>> | Anonymous 29sep2015(tu)20:33 No.24035 EP P426 |
>> | Anonymous 11oct2015(su)06:37 No.24411 ER P427R201 |
>> | Anonymous 11oct2015(su)06:37 No.24412 ER P428 |
>> | Anonymous 17oct2015(sa)18:21 No.24679 ES P429R202 |
>> | Anonymous 17oct2015(sa)18:21 No.24680 ES P430 |
>> | Anonymous 18oct2015(su)21:07 No.24713 EP P431R203 |
>> | Anonymous 18oct2015(su)21:25 No.24714 EP P432 |
>> | Anonymous 20oct2015(tu)00:21 No.24742 ET P433R204 |
>> | Anonymous 20oct2015(tu)00:21 No.24743 ET P434 |
>> | Derpy 19nov2015(th)19:25 No.25419 EU P435R205MLP SWF on android Working on getting a few new SWFs to work for android. I have a few MLP games on my target |
>> | Anonymous 22nov2015(su)04:49 No.25489 EV P436R206Flash apk |
>> | Anonymous 24nov2015(tu)07:34 No.25522 EW P437R207 |
>> | Anonymous 24nov2015(tu)08:20 No.25524 EW P438 |
>> | Anonymous 30nov2015(mo)05:37 No.25662 EX P439R208For futakuri. |
>> | Anonymous 2dec2015(we)08:29 No.25717 EY P440R209 |
>> | Anonymous 2dec2015(we)08:29 No.25718 EY P441 |
>> | Anonymous 2dec2015(we)08:56 No.25720 EY P442 |
>> | Anonymous 13dec2015(su)02:10 No.25977 EY P443 |
>> | Anonymous 15dec2015(tu)06:56 No.26043 EZ P444R210lel |
>> | tri 19dec2015(sa)05:08 No.26149 FA P445R211mancingkiuok free games |
>> | tri 19dec2015(sa)05:19 No.26150 FA P446manfishing man fishing icon |
>> | marlambert 19dec2015(sa)05:44 No.26151 FA P447mancing hati mancinghati |
>> | Anonymous 22dec2015(tu)01:27 No.26196 EY P448R212 |
>> | Anonymous 22dec2015(tu)03:21 No.26197 EY P449 |
>> | Anonymous 2jan2016(sa)23:33 No.26499 FB P450R213 |
>> | Anonymous 2jan2016(sa)23:39 No.26500 FB P451 |
>> | Anonymous 2jan2016(sa)23:43 No.26501 FB P452 |
>> | Anonymous 9jan2016(sa)03:10 No.26686 FC P453R214 |
>> | Anonymous 9jan2016(sa)03:10 No.26687 FC P454 |
>> | Anonymous 9jan2016(sa)06:30 No.26691 EF P455R215 |
>> | Anonymous 9jan2016(sa)22:34 No.26715 EF P456 |
>> | Anonymous 18jan2016(mo)06:36 No.26967 FD P457R216icon icon sting |
>> | Anonymous 20jan2016(we)07:14 No.27047 FE P458R217ffdtws erewtwetwe | GypsyBardExtended2.wav * (18.75 MiB) 01:51 stereo 44kHz 1411kbps <PREVIEW>Friendship is Witchcraft - The Gypsy Bard Comment: Vocals: Jenny Nicholson / Music: Griffin Lewis, Lenich, Kirya |
>> | Anonymous 20jan2016(we)07:14 No.27048 FE P459 |
>> | Anonymous 20jan2016(we)07:18 No.27049 FE P460 |
>> | Anonymous 20jan2016(we)07:30 No.27050 FE P461ty tyt |
>> | pongo 25jan2016(mo)01:02 No.27157 FF P462R218bj i need this for apk |
>> | Anonymous 25jan2016(mo)23:22 No.27179 FG P463R219 |
>> | Anonymous 25jan2016(mo)23:22 No.27180 FG P464 |
>> | Anonymous 25jan2016(mo)23:38 No.27181 FH P465R220 |
>> | Anonymous 9feb2016(tu)18:53 No.28615 FI P466R221 |
>> | Anonymous 9feb2016(tu)18:53 No.28616 FI P467 |
>> | Anonymous 9feb2016(tu)18:53 No.28617 FI P468 |
>> | Anonymous 20feb2016(sa)23:31 No.29053 FJ P469R222 | 02 - CREAM.mp3 (4.78 MiB) 03:28 stereo 44kHz 192kbps CBR <PREVIEW>Wu-Tang Clan Vs The Beatles - C.R.E.A.M. "Enter The Magical Mystery Chambers" Track: 2 Encoder: LAME3.95 |
>> | Anonymous 20feb2016(sa)23:31 No.29054 FJ P470 |
>> | Anonymous 23feb2016(tu)18:26 No.29129 FK P471R223 |
>> | Anonymous 24feb2016(we)09:01 No.29152-29153 FL P472-473R224wow wow |
>> | | gify.mp3 (474.3 KiB) 00:40 stereo 44kHz 96kbps CBR <PREVIEW>2016 Encoder: LAME in FL Studio 11 BPM: 140 |
>> | 12Boom 11mar2016(fr)13:14 No.30251 FM P474R225Just a logo. nothing to see here. |
>> | Anonymous 13mar2016(su)21:58 No.30370 EF P475R226 |
>> | Anonymous 13mar2016(su)22:01 No.30371 EF P476 |
>> | Anonymous 20mar2016(su)00:27 No.30543 FN P477R227 |
>> | Anonymous 20mar2016(su)00:28 No.30544 FN P478 |
>> | joaopsantos16 28mar2016(mo)04:33 No.30869 FO P479R228linefyler_icon so pra nada mesmo |
>> | Anonymous 30mar2016(we)01:04 No.30993 A P480R229 |
>> | Anonymous 30mar2016(we)01:04 No.30994 A P481 |
>> | Anonymous 4apr2016(mo)14:19 No.31242 FP P482R230 |
>> | Anonymous 4apr2016(mo)14:46 No.31243 FP P483 |
>> | Anonymous 4apr2016(mo)15:20 No.31244-31245 FP P484-485 |
>> | |
>> | Anonymous 5apr2016(tu)12:40 No.31293 FP P486 | Vesireittejä.mp3 * (10.41 MiB) 04:32 stereo 44kHz 320kbps CBR <PREVIEW>Ultra Bra - Vesireittejä "Sinä päivänä kun synnyin" 2001-10-05 Track: 8/21 Encoder: LAME3.99r |
>> | Anonymous 5apr2016(tu)12:40 No.31294 FP P487 |
>> | Anonymous 5apr2016(tu)14:09 No.31297 FP P488 |
>> | Kanindonattelli@gmai 5apr2016(tu)18:01 No.31301 FQ P489R231Inage Yep |
>> | Anonymous 5apr2016(tu)22:52 No.31304 FP P490R232 | 14. Nujabes - Horizon.mp3 * (16.8 MiB) 07:20 stereo 44kHz 320kbps CBR <PREVIEW>Nujabes - Horizon "Modal Soul" 2005 [Hip-Hop] Comment: Track: 14 Album artist: Nujabes Publisher: Hyde Out Recordings Encoder: LAME3.98.2 |
>> | Anonymous 5apr2016(tu)22:52 No.31305 FP P491 |
>> | Anonymous 8apr2016(fr)15:07 No.31390 FP P492 |
>> | Anonymous 8apr2016(fr)19:54 No.31396 FP P493 |
>> | Anonymous 8apr2016(fr)19:54 No.31397 FP P494 |
>> | Anonymous 10apr2016(su)15:53 No.31466 FP P495 |
>> | Anonymous 18apr2016(mo)08:36 No.31823-31824 FR P496-497R233Testing this thing out Woops forgot my text |
>> | |
>> | Anonymous 18apr2016(mo)09:02 No.31826 FR P498help me eirin I apparently don't know what I'm doing. It wouldn't accept the URL of the other audio. This version is longer. And also an MP3 file. Hopefully it will work. |
>> | Anonymous 19apr2016(tu)03:34 No.31858 FR P499Fog Castle - Boktai Because there should be more Boktai stuff out there |
>> | Anonymous 19apr2016(tu)03:38 No.31859 FR P500Fog Castle - Boktai The music that plays in the first part of Fog Castle. | 09 Fog Castle.mp3 (2.52 MiB) 10:59 stereo 44kHz 32kbps VBR <PREVIEW>Norihiko Hibino - Fog Castle "Boktai - The Sun is in Your Hand Original Soundtrack" [Game] Track: 9 |
>> | Anonymous 19apr2016(tu)03:54 No.31860 FR P501An error? Not sure where to report this. I'm attempting to make a loop, and everything is going swimmingly so far, up until I hit the "audio" button. The page it links to is completely blank. When I used an add-on to take a closer look at the scripts on the page, it reported that "The character encoding of the plain text document was not declared. The document will render with garbled text in some browser configurations if the document contains characters from outside the US-ASCII range. The character encoding of the file needs to be declared in the transfer protocol or file needs to use a byte order mark as an encoding signature." I'm not sure what any of that means, but maybe it'll help? I'm using the latest version of Firefox. |
>> | Anonymous 19apr2016(tu)11:59 No.31874 FP P502R234 |
>> | !///SWFAnts #ADMIN# 19apr2016(tu)13:03 No.31877 SWF P503R235>>31860 Thanks for letting me know, the problem was that the Mp3 header of your audio file is corrupted. The audio duration turns out wrong (it's visible in this thread, it says the audio is 10:59 when it's really 2:43). The problem is not on swfchan's end since audio players such as WinAmp for example will also calculate an incorrect duration from the file's header. The solution is to re-encode the Mp3 (or find a different release) and upload that version to be used instead. I've added a new error message for the SWF loop maker so that this is explained to the user if it ever encountered again. |
>> | Anonymous 21apr2016(th)20:22 No.31993-31994 FP P504-505R236 |
>> | |
>> | Anonymous 22apr2016(fr)19:34 No.32049 FP P506 |
>> | Anonymous 25apr2016(mo)02:05 No.32130 FS P507R237 |
>> | Anonymous 25apr2016(mo)02:05 No.32131 FS P508 | 03 Bad Choices.mp3 * (12.93 MiB) 05:38 stereo 44kHz 320kbps CBR <PREVIEW>Shout Out Out Out Out - Bad Choices "Reintegration Time" Track: 3/10 Encoder: iTunes v7.7 |
>> | Anonymous 27apr2016(we)19:34 No.32247 FS P509 |
>> | Anonymous 28apr2016(th)08:37 No.32272 FT P510R238 |
>> | Anonymous 28apr2016(th)08:40 No.32273 FT P511 |
>> | Anonymous 29apr2016(fr)08:15 No.32298-32299 FU P512-513R239 |
>> | | enoe_-_Discount_Funk_Bass_Riff_D_G_F_85_-01.mp3 (534.4 KiB) 00:22 stereo 44kHz 192kbps CBR <PREVIEW>"Instrumentals via iBeat" 2009 Copyright: 2009 enoe Licensed to the public under Verify at Encoder: LAME3.82 |
>> | Anonymous 29apr2016(fr)08:39 No.32300 FU P514 |
>> | Anonymous 4may2016(we)01:15 No.32517 FV P515R240 |
>> | Anonymous 4may2016(we)01:18 No.32518 FV P516minty fresh |
>> | Anonymous 5may2016(th)12:32 No.32585 FS P517R241 | Description: from tsukimonogatari for swf |
>> | Anonymous 8may2016(su)19:03 No.32722 FS P518 | Description: from tsukimonogatari for swf |
>> | max 12may2016(th)14:55 No.32922 FW P519R242learn_math learn_math |
>> | max bayne 12may2016(th)18:05 No.32931 FW P520nisr photo nisr photo |
>> | SchoolxWars 15may2016(su)15:14 No.33108 FX P521R243Weee |
>> | Anonymous 16may2016(mo)13:14 No.33162 FY P522R244Mettaton stuff I had no idea it needed a text body... |
>> | Anonymous 16may2016(mo)13:14 No.33163 FY P523 |
>> | resource 19may2016(th)09:02 No.33269 FZ P524R245reds yg |
>> | Anonymous 22may2016(su)18:00 No.33411 FS P525R246 | Description: Some visuals from Fate stay night UBW |
>> | Anonymous 29may2016(su)23:24 No.33688 GA P526R247 | kap bambino - human piles.mp3 (1.61 MiB) 02:19 stereo 44kHz 96kbps VBR <PREVIEW>Kap Bambino - Human Piles "Blacklist" 2009 [Electronica] Track: 9 Composer: Bouvier Orion/Kap Bambino/Martial Caroline Album artist: Kap Bambino Publisher: Because Encoder: LAME3.98.4 |
>> | Anonymous 29may2016(su)23:24 No.33689 GA P527 |
>> | Anonymous 4jun2016(sa)00:38 No.33945 GB P528R248drinking alone much When friday night goes boring and flacid, turn it up a notch with te vodka | magnetcut1.mp3 (331.2 KiB) 00:16 stereo 44kHz 160kbps VBR <PREVIEW>Bombay Bicycle Club - Magnet "I Had The Blues But I Shook Them Loose" 2009 [Indie] Comment: / 00001AF3 00001EB6 0000A8F4 0000B765 00012626 00010F33 00008000 00008000 00002231 00002231 Track: 7 Composer: Jack Steadman Album artist: Bombay Bicycle Club Publisher: UME Imports |
>> | Anonymous 4jun2016(sa)00:38 No.33946 GB P529 |
>> | Nabetse 3jul2016(su)05:14 No.35049 GC P530R249Cadance ooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhh yoooooooooouuuuuuuuuuuuu |
>> | Nabetse 3jul2016(su)05:36 No.35050 GC P531ggv >>35049 ij3ijöiochöoq3ruöcubrubqur |
>> | Nabetse 3jul2016(su)05:41 No.35051 GC P532jefjefje >>35050 jfjekcjebfkebkfhbkehf |
>> | none 9jul2016(sa)11:55 No.35262 GD P533R250k Crappy MS paint to satisfy FNAC fans |
>> | none 9jul2016(sa)11:58 No.35263 GD P534 |
>> | Book of Dread 12jul2016(tu)21:55 No.35432 GE P535R251For SWF icon |
>> | a 14jul2016(th)11:43 No.35528 GD P536R252v d |
>> | Anonymous 14jul2016(th)22:05 No.35548 GF P537R253 |
>> | Anonymous 14jul2016(th)22:05 No.35549 GF P538 |
>> | dank 16jul2016(sa)03:23 No.35609 GG P539R254 |
>> | b 17jul2016(su)09:53 No.35658 GH P540R255b b |
>> | c 17jul2016(su)09:57 No.35659 GH P541c c |
>> | Anonymous 20jul2016(we)00:32 No.35752 GI P542R256151 p151 |
>> | Anonymous 29jul2016(fr)00:47 No.37072 GJ P543R257 | 10 Antenna.mp3 (8.17 MiB) 03:32 stereo 44kHz 320kbps CBR <PREVIEW>Bonobo - Antenna "The North Borders" 2013 [Dance] Track: 10/13 Composer: Simon Green Album artist: Bonobo Publisher: Ninja Tune Encoder: LAME3.98r |
>> | Anonymous 29jul2016(fr)00:47 No.37073 GJ P544 |
>> | Anonymous 31jul2016(su)00:58 No.37144 GJ P545 |
>> | Anonymous 1aug2016(mo)20:29 No.37206 GJ P546 |
>> | Anonymous 1aug2016(mo)20:29 No.37207 GJ P547 | Description: 16 glorious frames of clownpiece |
>> | nnbveh 7aug2016(su)13:58 No.37389 GK P548R258hiragana icon icon for the flash i'm converting to apk |
>> | Anonymous 12aug2016(fr)23:09 No.37588 GL P549R259 |
>> | Anonymous 16aug2016(tu)10:04 No.37748 GM P550R260 |
>> | Anonymous 17aug2016(we)03:22 No.37785 GM P551Prayer_At_Sunset by Nia Kitana |
>> | Anonymous 17aug2016(we)06:16 No.37793 GM P552TGWLTT_1 TGWLTT_1 |
>> | Anonymous 17aug2016(we)06:20 No.37794 GM P553TGWLTT_2 TGWLTT_2 |
>> | Anonymous 17aug2016(we)06:22 No.37795 GM P554TGWLTT_3 TGWLTT_3 |
>> | Anonymous 17aug2016(we)06:23 No.37796 GM P555TGWLTT_4 TGWLTT_4 |
>> | Anonymous 17aug2016(we)06:24 No.37797 GM P556TGWLTT_4.1 TGWLTT_4.1 |
>> | Anonymous 17aug2016(we)06:25 No.37798 GM P557TGWLTT_4.2 TGWLTT_4.2 |
>> | Anonymous 17aug2016(we)06:27 No.37799 GM P558TGWLTT_5.5 TGWLTT_5.5 |
>> | Anonymous 17aug2016(we)06:28 No.37800 GM P559TGWLTT_6 TGWLTT_6 |
>> | Anonymous 17aug2016(we)06:29 No.37801 GM P560TGWLTT_6.5 TGWLTT_6.5 |
>> | Anonymous 17aug2016(we)06:31 No.37802 GM P561TGWLTT_5 TGWLTT_5 |
>> | Anonymous 17aug2016(we)08:14 No.37803 GM P562Prayer_At_Sunset.mp3 Nia Kitana |
>> | Anonymous 17aug2016(we)09:59 No.37805 GM P563TGWLTT_sunset sunset wallpaper |
>> | Anonymous 19aug2016(fr)18:14 No.37935 GN P564R261CoC Logo Corruption of Champions Logo |
>> | Anonymous 19aug2016(fr)18:25 No.37936 GN P565CoC Logo Corruption of Champions (72x72) |
>> | Anonymous 19aug2016(fr)18:34 No.37938 GN P566CoCLogo.JPG Corruption of Champions Logo |
>> | Bobby Butthole 19aug2016(fr)19:36 No.37939 GO P567R262Bobby Butthole for Mayor The title says it allll |
>> | Bobby Butthole 19aug2016(fr)19:36 No.37940 GO P568 |
>> | Anonymous 19aug2016(fr)19:38 No.37941-37942 GP P569-570R263 |
>> | |
>> | Anonymous 25aug2016(th)01:39 No.38397 GQ P571R264Testing how to make loops. Thanks to whoever made those Clownpiece loops, I was ~inspired~ to make some too! |
>> | Anonymous 25aug2016(th)01:39 No.38398 GQ P572 | Day after [Eris's La pousse mix] QUICK TEST CUT.mp3 (642 KiB) 00:27 stereo 44kHz 192kbps CBR <PREVIEW>FELT - Day after [Eris's La pousse mix] "World Trick" 2015 [Doujin Music] Comment: Quick cut for a test flash on swfchan. -DoubleU / Quick cut for a test flash on swfchan. -DoubleU Track: 7 Encoder: LAME3.99r |
>> | Anonymous 25aug2016(th)01:46 No.38399 GQ P573Whoops, apparently you need 2 visuals |
>> | Anonymous 27aug2016(sa)00:03 No.38476 GR P574R265Who is the universe's ultimate evil doer? |
>> | Anonymous 27aug2016(sa)00:03 No.38477 GR P575 |
>> | Anonymous 27aug2016(sa)23:19 No.38507 GS P576R266Trying out what happens when you have several frames you want to extend for a loop, stuffed into a gif. |
>> | Anonymous 27aug2016(sa)23:19 No.38508 GS P577 |
>> | Anonymous 27aug2016(sa)23:19 No.38509 GS P578 |
>> | Anonymous 28aug2016(su)09:15 No.38524 GT P579R267 |
>> | Anonymous 28aug2016(su)09:17 No.38525 GT P580 |
>> | Anonymous 28aug2016(su)09:34 No.38526 GT P581 |
>> | SpacePlusOne 28aug2016(su)21:34 No.38538 GU P582R268 |
>> | SpacePlusOne 28aug2016(su)21:34 No.38539 GU P583 |
>> | SpacePlusOne 28aug2016(su)21:44 No.38542 GU P584Anime Grill Anime tiddies are hot |
>> | Anonymous 30aug2016(tu)14:31 No.38594 GV P585R269 |
>> | Noetopia 6sep2016(tu)21:53 No.38827 GW P586R270Noetopia Bild The Noetopia image |
>> | Noetopia1 6sep2016(tu)21:58 No.38828 GW P587Noetopia Bild1 The Noetopia image |
>> | Anonymous 11sep2016(su)20:10 No.38925 GX P588R271 |
>> | a 14sep2016(we)05:59 No.38991 GY P589R272a a |
>> | c 15sep2016(th)08:37 No.39031 GY P590c c |
>> | b 15sep2016(th)08:39 No.39032 GY P591b b |
>> | c 24sep2016(sa)09:29 No.39342 GZ P592R273c c |
>> | d 24sep2016(sa)10:27 No.39343 GZ P593d d |
>> | Anonymous 28sep2016(we)19:54 No.39479 GO P594R274Alchemy Extreme the tuesday terence goes on in ouor hearts forever and ever forever |
>> | Anonymous 28sep2016(we)19:54 No.39480 GO P595 |
>> | Anonymous 30sep2016(fr)05:06 No.39519 GM P596R275Danse Macabre (rmx) Danse Macabre (rmx) |
>> | Anonymous 1oct2016(sa)21:40 No.39566 HA P597R276 |
>> | Anonymous 1oct2016(sa)21:46 No.39567 HA P598 |
>> | Breadleysss 14oct2016(fr)00:21 No.39983-39984 HB P599-600R277flashmake this is my flash |
>> | | quaker.mp3 (1.77 MiB) 00:46 stereo 44kHz 320kbps CBR <PREVIEW>2014 Encoder: LAME in FL Studio 11 / LAME3.98.4 BPM: 190 |
>> | Anonymous 17oct2016(mo)22:01 No.40118 HC P601R278 |
>> | Anonymous 17oct2016(mo)22:06 No.40119 HC P602KOR KOR |
>> | Anonymous 18oct2016(tu)02:18 No.40129 HD P603R279 |
>> | Anonymous 18oct2016(tu)02:18 No.40130 HD P604 |
>> | YES 21oct2016(fr)05:54 No.40263-40264 HE P605-606R280ME LIKEY MUCH. Me likey. |
>> | |
>> | Anonymous 25oct2016(tu)07:34 No.40399 HF P607R281 | Now_and_Forever.mp3 (4.05 MiB) 02:56 stereo 44kHz 192kbps CBR <PREVIEW>Precursors (E. Gätzschmann & T.A. Fjellstad) - Ur-Quan - Now and Forever "The Ur-Quan Masters" 2004 [Soundtrack] Comment: Encoder: LAME3.92 |
>> | Anonymous 25oct2016(tu)07:34 No.40400 HF P608 |
>> | Anonymous 25oct2016(tu)10:54 No.40409 HG P609R282 |
>> | Anonymous 25oct2016(tu)10:57 No.40410 HG P610 |
>> | Anonymous 25oct2016(tu)10:57 No.40411 HG P611 |
>> | Anonymous 25oct2016(tu)10:57 No.40412 HG P612 |
>> | Anonymous 25oct2016(tu)10:59 No.40413 HG P613 |
>> | Anonymous 8nov2016(tu)01:04 No.40921 HH P614R283kor1 kor1 |
>> | Anonymous 8nov2016(tu)01:04 No.40922 HH P615 |
>> | Anonymous 8nov2016(tu)01:04 No.40923 HH P616 |
>> | jeffy 11nov2016(fr)06:56 No.41029 HI P617R284Omega Omega tower defence |
>> | Anonymous 15nov2016(tu)22:33 No.41157 GJ P618R285 |
>> | Anonymous 15nov2016(tu)22:33 No.41158 GJ P619 |
>> | Anonymous 17nov2016(th)10:06 No.41197 GM P620R286Pulling boats for little sister Pull boats |
>> | Anonymous 18nov2016(fr)04:52 No.41250 GM P621Pull boats for little sister Pull |
>> | Anonymous 18nov2016(fr)04:55 No.41251 GM P622Doge rescue doge pull boat |
>> | Anonymous 20nov2016(su)05:45 No.41314 HJ P623R287 |
>> | Anonymous 20nov2016(su)05:45 No.41315 HJ P624 |
>> | dood 24nov2016(th)00:07 No.41433-41434 HK P625-626R288BOOGIE'S BLISS SMASH |
>> | |
>> | Anonymous 29nov2016(tu)17:57 No.41593 HL P627R289 | 02. Sad Machine.mp3 * (13.39 MiB) 05:50 stereo 44kHz 320kbps CBR <PREVIEW>Porter Robinson - Sad Machine "Worlds" 2014 [Electro House] Track: 2/12 Encoder: LAME3.99r |
>> | Anonymous 29nov2016(tu)17:57 No.41594 HL P628 |
>> | klkkll 1dec2016(th)15:29 No.41632 HM P629R290weavile zoroark 72x72 alv |
>> | Aaaaaa 2dec2016(fr)17:21 No.41653 HN P630R291 |
>> | Aaaaaa 2dec2016(fr)17:46 No.41655 HN P631 |
>> | Anonymous 9dec2016(fr)19:11 No.41900 HO P632R292icon for Fuck Your Champion swf Fuck Your Champion icon portraying Sona |
>> | Anonymous 16dec2016(fr)23:49 No.42215 HB P633R293 |
>> | Anonymous 16dec2016(fr)23:51 No.42216 HB P634another one for right now |
>> | p3dsp3ds 25dec2016(su)21:33 No.42575 HP P635R294appicon needed |
>> | Anonymous 30dec2016(fr)01:54 No.42812 HQ P636R295 |
>> | Anonymous 3jan2017(tu)07:35 No.42985 HR P637R296 |
>> | Anonymous 10jan2017(tu)21:33 No.43207 HN P638R297 |
>> | Anonymous 19jan2017(th)22:49 No.43436 HS P639R298Woomy! | Description: Marie dancing without a care |
>> | Anonymous 19jan2017(th)22:49 No.43437 HS P640 | Description: Marie still dancing without a care |
>> | Anonymous 23jan2017(mo)21:19 No.43531 HT P641R299 |
>> | Anonymous 1feb2017(we)16:51 No.43744 HJ P642R300 | Zettai.rar * (21.84 MiB) Unpacked: 21.9 MiB. Files: 13. Directories: 0. Images: 13. Contains: GIF <LIST> Description: to be used in a loop |
>> | Anonymous 1feb2017(we)16:57 No.43745 HJ P643 |
>> | Anonymous 1feb2017(we)19:10 No.43751 HJ P644 | Zettai2.rar * (25.67 MiB) Unpacked: 25.68 MiB. Files: 10. Directories: 0. Images: 10. Contains: GIF <LIST> Description: second try, for a loop |
>> | Anonymous 8feb2017(we)11:22 No.43968 HU P645R301 |
>> | Anonymous 8feb2017(we)11:22 No.43969 HU P646 |
>> | Anonymous 12feb2017(su)19:07 No.44086 HV P647R302Coc corrupt |
>> | -8 LOVER 26feb2017(su)02:39 No.44636 HP P648R303App logo for his animations |
>> | Anonymous 2mar2017(th)07:23 No.44757 HW P649R304Zone logo for an apk icon |
>> | Anonymous 16mar2017(th)02:12 No.46256 HX P650R305 |
>> | Anonymous 16mar2017(th)03:25 No.46258 HY P651R306 |
>> | Anonymous 16mar2017(th)03:25 No.46259 HY P652 |
>> | Anonymous 16mar2017(th)03:36 No.46260 HY P653 |
>> | Anonymous 16mar2017(th)04:27 No.46261 HX P654R307 |
>> | Dsssssss 20mar2017(mo)05:24 No.46423 DD P655R308Image Henlo all |
>> | Rick99 21mar2017(tu)08:06 No.46447 HZ P656R309VIP room This is gonna be sexy |
>> | Rick99 21mar2017(tu)08:15 No.46448 HZ P657JAJA asnajsas |
>> | Gtg 23mar2017(th)12:03 No.46516 IA P658R310Ftg Ftgdfg |
>> | Anonymous 23mar2017(th)20:33 No.46522-46523 HY P659-660R311 |
>> | |
>> | Anonymous 23mar2017(th)20:56 No.46525 HY P661 |
>> | Anonymous 26mar2017(su)04:41 No.46591 IB P662R312 |
>> | Anonymous 26mar2017(su)20:33 No.46608 HY P663R313 |
>> | Anonymous 26mar2017(su)20:45 No.46609 HY P664 |
>> | Anonymous 27mar2017(mo)23:20 No.46654 IC P665R314How fresh are you? |
>> | Anonymous 18apr2017(tu)00:17 No.48409-48410 ID P666-667R315 |
>> | |
>> | Anonymous 21apr2017(fr)08:48 No.48548 HY P668R316 |
>> | Anonymous 21apr2017(fr)08:49 No.48549 HY P669 |
>> | Mushigen 4may2017(th)13:56 No.49112 IE P670R317Samus Aran Picture for Icon. |
>> | Rock Candy 10may2017(we)00:01 No.49292 IF P671R318 | Not a care for the world.mp3 (4.17 MiB) 01:49 stereo 44kHz 320kbps CBR <PREVIEW>DM DOKURO - Not a care for the world... "Rock Candy's Character Themes: Miscellanious Version" 2010 Comment: Zu's theme. Over the energetic in caffiene levels, and sugar highs!! Encoder: LAME in FL Studio 9 / LAME3.98.2 BPM: 141 |
>> | Anonymous 14may2017(su)08:26 No.49453 IG P672R319 |
>> | Anonymous 15may2017(mo)05:00 No.49485 IH P673R320 |
>> | Anonymous 21may2017(su)08:40 No.49699 II P674R321Scaly Rimjob pic For Rajii x Jasonafex >>swfapp |
>> | Anonymous 21may2017(su)08:51 No.49700 II P675Scalyrimjobthumbnail repost |
>> | Anonymous 25may2017(th)09:41 No.49834 IJ P676R322 |
>> | Anonymous 25may2017(th)09:49 No.49835 IJ P677 |
>> | Anonymous 25may2017(th)10:20 No.49837 IJ P678 |
>> | Anonymous 25may2017(th)10:25 No.49838 IJ P679 |
>> | Anonymous 25may2017(th)10:29 No.49839 IJ P680 |
>> | Anonymous 25may2017(th)10:58 No.49840 IJ P681 |
>> | Unknow 20jun2017(tu)16:42 No.50550 IK P682R323QR QR |
>> | Unknow 20jun2017(tu)16:49 No.50552 IK P683qr 2 2 |
>> | Uhkavii 22jun2017(th)10:04 No.50591 IL P684R324A Silent Voice Movie - A Silent Voice \ Anime Movie Song is Potsu - I'm closing my eyes |
>> | Uhkavii 22jun2017(th)10:04 No.50592 IL P685 |
>> | Anonymous 23jun2017(fr)06:26 No.50615 IM P686R325Sister just a little post of an image |
>> | Anonymous 1jul2017(sa)06:24 No.50830-50831 IN P687-688R326 |
>> | |
>> | Anonymous 6jul2017(th)14:36 No.51009 IO P689R327 |
>> | Anonymous 6jul2017(th)14:39 No.51010 IO P690 |
>> | g 9jul2017(su)02:58 No.51091 IP P691R328t Test |
>> | juanito 12jul2017(we)06:04 No.51213 IM P692R329cheerlader fuck Cheerlader Fuck Hentai Game |
>> | Anonymous 18jul2017(tu)08:14 No.51401 IQ P693R330 |
>> | Anonymous 10aug2017(th)22:56 No.52382 IR P694R331 |
>> | Anonymous 26aug2017(sa)05:15 No.52787 IS P695R332 |
>> | Anonymous 1sep2017(fr)12:24 No.52939 IT P696R333 |
>> | Anonymous 1sep2017(fr)12:34 No.52940 IT P697 |
>> | Anonymous 1sep2017(fr)15:17 No.52941 IT P698 |
>> | anon 2sep2017(sa)02:19 No.52955 IU P699R334 |
>> | Anonymous 9sep2017(sa)02:12 No.53139 IV P700R335 |
>> | Anonymous 9sep2017(sa)02:12 No.53140 IV P701 |
>> | Anonymous 9sep2017(sa)02:12 No.53141 IV P702 |
>> | Anonymous 9sep2017(sa)03:24 No.53143 IV P703 |
>> | Anonymous 9sep2017(sa)04:27 No.53144 IV P704 |
>> | Anonymous 9sep2017(sa)04:43 No.53145 IV P705 | shrr.mp3 (2.21 MiB) 01:36 stereo 44kHz 192kbps CBR <PREVIEW>DDSAT SoundComposer - SAHASRARA "DIGITAL DEVIL SAGA ~アバタール・チューナー~1&2 Original Sound Track 完全体" [サウンドトラック] Track: 10 Composer: 目黒将司 Album artist: サウンドトラック Encoder: LAME3.99.5 |
>> | Anonymous 16sep2017(sa)12:09 No.53343 IW P706R336 |
>> | Anonymous 16sep2017(sa)12:43 No.53344 IW P707 |
>> | antifaggot 27sep2017(we)18:48 No.53779-53780 IX P708-709R337 |
>> | | 01 - Antifascista.mp3 (5.48 MiB) 02:21 stereo 44kHz 320kbps CBR <PREVIEW>ZSK - Antifascista "Herz Für Die Sache" 2013 [Punk] Track: 1/12 Publisher: Peoplelikeyou Encoder: LAME3.98r |
>> | nawtacop 1oct2017(su)18:26 No.53863 IX P710 |
>> | nawtacop 1oct2017(su)18:26 No.53864 IX P711 |
>> | Shizi_kroc 2oct2017(mo)00:34 No.53869 IY P712R338 |
>> | Anonymous 3oct2017(tu)07:57 No.53908 IZ P713R339 |
>> | Zyago 4oct2017(we)16:43 No.53954 JA P714R340Ssf2 Icon |
>> | Anonymous 11oct2017(we)05:59 No.54141 JB P715R341 |
>> | Anonymous 11oct2017(we)06:22 No.54142 JB P716 |
>> | Anonymous 11oct2017(we)07:43 No.54143 JB P717 |
>> | Anonymous 11oct2017(we)08:55 No.54144 JB P718 |
>> | ghost_enf_mouse.swf Scuare Preview 11oct2017(we)21:26 No.54162 JC P719R342ghost_enf_mouse_Scuare Preview Just a Snapshot for the app Icon. |
>> | Anonymous 12oct2017(th)06:00 No.54167 JB P720R343 |
>> | Anonymous 13oct2017(fr)11:14 No.54197 JB P721 |
>> | Anonymous 15oct2017(su)13:39 No.54245 JD P722R344Nimin icon Icon for Nimin APK |
>> | Anonymous 17oct2017(tu)19:58 No.54317 JE P723R345 |
>> | Anonymous 17oct2017(tu)19:58 No.54318 JE P724 |
>> | Anonymous 17oct2017(tu)22:55 No.54322 JE P725 |
>> | Anonymous 17oct2017(tu)22:57 No.54323 JE P726 |
>> | Anonymous 18oct2017(we)02:03 No.54335 JE P727 |
>> | Anonymous 18oct2017(we)02:03 No.54336 JE P728 |
>> | Gggg 18oct2017(we)06:55 No.54345 JF P729R346Jpg Filia cum |
>> | Anonymous 19oct2017(th)17:30 No.54391 JG P730R347 |
>> | Anonymous 20oct2017(fr)01:54 No.54401-54402 JE P731-732R348 |
>> | |
>> | Anonymous 31oct2017(tu)02:37 No.54668-54669 JE P733-734 |
>> | |
>> | Anonymous 1nov2017(we)11:16 No.54725-54726 JE P735-736 |
>> | |
>> | Anonymous 6nov2017(mo)09:23 No.54830 JE P737 |
>> | Anonymous 6nov2017(mo)09:23 No.54831 JE P738 |
>> | Anonymous 7nov2017(tu)09:50 No.54846 JE P739 |
>> | Birka 10nov2017(fr)18:41 No.54958 JH P740R349Birka Birka |
>> | Birka 10nov2017(fr)19:39 No.54959 JH P741Gloryhole Birja |
>> | Birka 10nov2017(fr)19:50 No.54960 JH P742Gh Gh |
>> | Birka 10nov2017(fr)20:05 No.54961 JH P743Birka Birka |
>> | Birka 10nov2017(fr)20:12 No.54962 JH P744Nirka Gloryhole |
>> | o do costune 30nov2017(th)00:00 No.55427 JI P745R350test coiso e tal |
>> | Anonymous 8dec2017(fr)13:46 No.55607 JJ P746R351 |
>> | Anonymous 8dec2017(fr)13:46 No.55608 JJ P747 |
>> | Anonymous 26dec2017(tu)06:44 No.55783-55784 JK P748-749R352 |
>> | |
>> | Anonymous 28dec2017(th)00:57 No.55830 JL P750R353 |
>> | Anonymous 28dec2017(th)20:45 No.55839 JM P751R354 |
>> | Anonymous 28dec2017(th)21:09 No.55840 JM P752 |
>> | Anonymous 28dec2017(th)21:16 No.55841 JM P753 |
>> | Anonymous 28dec2017(th)21:25 No.55842 JM P754 |
>> | CATDOG TACO 30dec2017(sa)01:45 No.55879 JN P755R355 |
>> | Anonymous 2jan2018(tu)06:38 No.55950 JO P756R356 |
>> | Anonymous 2jan2018(tu)06:38 No.55951 JO P757 |
>> | Anonymous 3jan2018(we)02:56 No.55964-55965 JO P758-759 |
>> | |
>> | Anonymous 3jan2018(we)03:17 No.55967 JO P760 |
>> | Anonymous 3jan2018(we)03:58 No.55969 JO P761lets try this again can i do anything right? |
>> | Anonymous 3jan2018(we)04:16 No.55970 JO P762 |
>> | Anonymous 3jan2018(we)21:55 No.55987-55988 JO P763-764 |
>> | |
>> | Anonymous 4jan2018(th)17:55 No.56009-56010 JO P765-766 |
>> | |
>> | Anonymous 6jan2018(sa)02:56 No.56026 JP P767R357 |
>> | Anonymous 10jan2018(we)00:38 No.56132 JE P768R358 |
>> | Anonymous 10jan2018(we)14:00 No.56147 JP P769R359 |
>> | Anonymous 10jan2018(we)14:00 No.56148 JP P770 |
>> | Anonymous 12jan2018(fr)03:23 No.56169-56170 JP P771-772 |
>> | |
>> | のこ 12jan2018(fr)06:50 No.56173 JO P773R360 |
>> | のこ 12jan2018(fr)06:50 No.56174 JO P774 |
>> | のこ 12jan2018(fr)12:19 No.56179 JO P775 |
>> | のこ 13jan2018(sa)22:14 No.56219 JO P776 |
>> | のこ 15jan2018(mo)08:52 No.56250-56251 JO P777-778 |
>> | |
>> | のこ 16jan2018(tu)08:47 No.56285-56286 JO P779-780 |
>> | |
>> | のこ 16jan2018(tu)09:02 No.56287 JO P781better gif |
>> | Anonymous 17jan2018(we)20:17 No.56343 JQ P782R361 |
>> | のこ 18jan2018(th)07:27 No.56358-56359 JO P783-784R362 |
>> | |
>> | のこ 18jan2018(th)12:37 No.56362 JP P785R363a smaller gif |
>> | のこ 19jan2018(fr)06:36 No.56390 JO P786R364 |
>> | のこ 19jan2018(fr)06:36 No.56391 JO P787 |
>> | Anonymous 19jan2018(fr)06:48 No.56392 JO P788 |
>> | のこ 19jan2018(fr)20:51 No.56402-56403 JO P789-790 |
>> | |
>> | Anonymous 20jan2018(sa)17:45 No.56434 JR P791R365 |
>> | のこ 21jan2018(su)06:16 No.56449-56450 JO P792-793R366 |
>> | |
>> | のこ 21jan2018(su)06:25 No.56451 JO P794 |
>> | Anonymous 21jan2018(su)23:19 No.56476 JR P795R367 |
>> | Anonymous 21jan2018(su)23:24 No.56478 JR P796 |
>> | のこ 22jan2018(mo)07:52 No.56483 JO P797R368 |
>> | のこ 22jan2018(mo)07:52 No.56484 JO P798 |
>> | のこ 22jan2018(mo)07:52 No.56485 JO P799 |
>> | のこ 22jan2018(mo)20:10 No.56509-56510 JO P800-801 |
>> | |
>> | Anonymous 22jan2018(mo)21:17 No.56514 JR P802R369 |
>> | Anonymous 23jan2018(tu)01:41 No.56520 JR P803 |
>> | Anonymous 23jan2018(tu)03:08 No.56522 JR P804 |
>> | Anonymous 23jan2018(tu)17:48 No.56531 JR P805 |
>> | Anonymous 27jan2018(sa)17:24 No.56654 JE P806R370 |
>> | Anonymous 28jan2018(su)02:26 No.56661-56662 JO P807-808R371 |
>> | |
>> | Anonymous 29jan2018(mo)01:57 No.56694 JO P809 |
>> | Anonymous 29jan2018(mo)01:57 No.56695 JO P810 |
>> | Anonymous 29jan2018(mo)21:31 No.56722 JR P811R372 |
>> | Anonymous 29jan2018(mo)21:54 No.56723 JR P812 |
>> | Anonymous 31jan2018(we)15:56 No.56782 JR P813 |
>> | Anonymous 31jan2018(we)16:10 No.56783 JR P814 |
>> | Anonymous 31jan2018(we)16:21 No.56784 JR P815 |
>> | Anonymous 31jan2018(we)16:33 No.56785 JR P816 |
>> | Anonymous 31jan2018(we)16:44 No.56786 JR P817 |
>> | Anonymous 31jan2018(we)16:56 No.56788 JR P818 |
>> | Anonymous 1feb2018(th)00:53 No.56800 JR P819 |
>> | Anonymous 1feb2018(th)00:57 No.56801 JS P820R373 |
>> | のこ 2feb2018(fr)07:59 No.56814 JP P821R374 |
>> | のこ 2feb2018(fr)07:59 No.56815 JP P822 |
>> | のこ 2feb2018(fr)08:08 No.56816 JP P823 |
>> | のこ 3feb2018(sa)09:14 No.56834-56835 JO P824-825R375 |
>> | |
>> | Anonymous 6feb2018(tu)17:21 No.56889 JT P826R376 |
>> | Jason 11feb2018(su)03:24 No.56954 JU P827R377CCv4.0.4 icon |
>> | Anonymous 12feb2018(mo)23:41 No.56986 JV P828R378 |
>> | Anonymous 13feb2018(tu)22:27 No.57026 JW P829R379 |
>> | Anonymous 2mar2018(fr)03:44 No.57492 JX P830R380 |
>> | Anonymous 2mar2018(fr)04:39 No.57496 JX P831 |
>> | Anonymous 2mar2018(fr)04:39 No.57497 JX P832 |
>> | Anonymous 2mar2018(fr)04:39 No.57498 JX P833 |
>> | Lorem 17mar2018(sa)21:58 No.57946 JY P834R381Ipsum Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. |
>> | Anonymous 20mar2018(tu)12:09 No.58020 JZ P835R382Shiba inu Like described, a shiba inu :D |
>> | Nanonymous 25mar2018(su)12:54 No.58204 KA P836R383For "There is only one level too" icon. For the game "There is only one level too" icon |
>> | Anonymous 30mar2018(fr)05:57 No.58315 KB P837R384 |
>> | Anonymous 30mar2018(fr)05:57 No.58316 KB P838 |
>> | memewer 30mar2018(fr)10:43 No.58321 KC P839R385bob lol bob | doeoge.mp3 (1.09 MiB) 00:47 stereo 44kHz 192kbps CBR <PREVIEW>2018 Encoder: LAME in FL Studio 12 / LAME3.99.5 BPM: 185 |
>> | memewer 30mar2018(fr)10:43 No.58322 KC P840 |
>> | memewer 30mar2018(fr)10:46 No.58323 KC P841othrer oeoer |
>> | memewer 30mar2018(fr)10:46 No.58324 KC P842 |
>> | coverimage_sara.jpg 13apr2018(fr)04:28 No.58863 KD P843R386coverimage_sara.jpg coverimage_sara.jpg |
>> | coverimage_sara.jpg 13apr2018(fr)04:40 No.58864 KD P844coverimage_sara.jpg coverimage_sara.jpg |
>> | satomi.jpg 13apr2018(fr)06:41 No.58869 KD P845 |
>> | Anonymous 24apr2018(tu)02:27 No.59087 KE P846R387Ffkm Shitpostbot |
>> | Anonymous 27apr2018(fr)14:07 No.59184 KF P847R388asdf | 02 Brand New days -The Beginning-.mp3 (2.25 MiB) 01:45 stereo 44kHz 178kbps VBR <PREVIEW>Shoji Meguro - Brand New days -The Beginning- "Persona 3 Fes Original Soundtrack" 2007 [Game] Comment: SVWC-7464 URL: Track: 2 Copyright: Aniplex Inc. Encoder: #gamemp3s / LAME3.97 |
>> | Anonymous 27apr2018(fr)14:32 No.59185 KF P848ghjk |
>> | Anonymous 17may2018(th)20:59 No.59774 KF P849 |
>> | Anonymous 22may2018(tu)13:08 No.59866-59867 JO P850-851R389just some simple loop sources |
>> | |
>> | Anonymous 28may2018(mo)14:09 No.60011 KG P852R390 | snek.rar (6.02 MiB) Unpacked: 6.19 MiB. Files: 2. Directories: 0. Images: 1. Contains: MP3, GIF <LIST> Description: testing out some stuff. should be a comfy loop (t.newfag) |
>> | Anonymous 28may2018(mo)14:14 No.60012-60013 KG P853-854still testing shit, friend took this pic for a challenge/competition |
>> | |
>> | Anonymous 29jun2018(fr)07:41 No.60628 KH P855R391 |
>> | Anonymous 29jun2018(fr)08:09 No.60630 KH P856 |
>> | Anonymous 6jul2018(fr)22:40 No.60821 KI P857R392 |
>> | Anonymous 19jul2018(th)14:29 No.61093 KJ P858R393Paper Minecraft icon This icon is used to be Paper Minecraft's icon. |
>> | Anonymous 20jul2018(fr)22:59 No.61128-61129 JO P859-860R394 |
>> | |
>> | Anonymous 6aug2018(mo)23:04 No.61515 KK P861R395 |
>> | Anonymous 15aug2018(we)22:22 No.61787 KL P862R396 |
>> | Anonymous 15aug2018(we)22:37 No.61788 KL P863 |
>> | Asriel Dreemurr 30aug2018(th)01:12 No.62131 KM P864R397swf to apk Allow me to use this photo for my swf I want to be as a apk!!! |
>> | Asriel Dreemurr 30aug2018(th)01:12 No.62132 KM P865 |
>> | w7 890 3sep2018(mo)07:01 No.62230 KN P866R398 |
>> | Anonymous 5sep2018(we)05:59 No.62276 KO P867R399 | 01 Seijaku no Tabiji.wav * (37.38 MiB) 03:42 stereo 44kHz 1411kbps <PREVIEW>Kenichiro Suehiro - Seijaku no Tabiji "Shoujo Shuumatsu Ryokou Original Soundtrack" 2017 Track: 1/20 Composer: Kenichiro Suehiro |
>> | Plus9 12sep2018(we)19:31 No.62449 KP P868R400Amelia minus8 icon Just an icon |
>> | Plus9 12sep2018(we)20:27 No.62453 KP P869Amelia bounce Nintendo bounce theme |
>> | IluvAmelia 13sep2018(th)14:08 No.62482 KQ P870R401AmeliaXnikki Just as the title says |
>> | w7 890 21sep2018(fr)12:27 No.62610 KR P871R402 |
>> | Anonymous 30sep2018(su)02:38 No.63792 KS P872R403 |
>> | Anonymous 30sep2018(su)02:38 No.63793 KS P873 |
>> | Anonymous 1oct2018(mo)18:51 No.63827 KT P874R404 |
>> | Anonymous 11oct2018(th)08:46 No.64033 KU P875R405hmmm hmmm |
>> | Bleh 20oct2018(sa)10:54 No.64178 KV P876R406Logo for an app Just a logo for an app that will feature minus8 amelia |
>> | Bleh 20oct2018(sa)10:54 No.64179 KV P877 |
>> | Anonymous 27oct2018(sa)16:58 No.64327 KW P878R407 |
>> | Supmannnyo 15nov2018(th)17:19 No.64903 KX P879R408 |
>> | Mynigga 16nov2018(fr)14:27 No.64919 KY P880R409 |
>> | Anonymous 21nov2018(we)13:04 No.65063-65064 JO P881-882R410 |
>> | |
>> | Anonymous 7dec2018(fr)04:17 No.65344 KZ P883R411 |
>> | Anonymous 7dec2018(fr)04:19 No.65345 KZ P884 |
>> | Anonymous 7dec2018(fr)04:33 No.65346 KZ P885 |
>> | Anonymous 30dec2018(su)05:55 No.65690 LA P886R412 |
>> | Anonymous 9jan2019(we)05:24 No.65896-65897 JO P887-888R413 |
>> | | Ikue Asazaki - Obokuri-Eeumi.mp3 * (10.24 MiB) 05:35 stereo 44kHz 256kbps CBR <PREVIEW>Ikue Asazaki - Obokuri-Eemui "Utabautayun" 2002 [Amami Shimauta] Comment: Ripped & Encoded by InfoNexus Track: 1 Album artist: Ikue Asazaki Encoder: LAME3.97.3 |
>> | Anonymous 10jan2019(th)02:14 No.65906 JO P889 |
>> | Anonymous 10jan2019(th)04:42 No.65907 JO P890 |
>> | Anonymous 10jan2019(th)06:25 No.65910 JO P891 |
>> | Anonymous 10jan2019(th)22:44 No.65926 LB P892R414Thumbnail Using for a .apk thumbnail |
>> | Anonymous 19jan2019(sa)09:32 No.66130 LC P893R415To be used in the paraphore swf |
>> | Anonymous 3feb2019(su)22:00 No.66413 LD P894R416Another shit Minus8 .APK file thing |
>> | w7-890 !elUzZM2K/o 7mar2019(th)15:39 No.67210 LE P895R417cosplay hilo all pics welp just a little bit bored here enjoy | Description: for |
>> | Anonymous 27mar2019(we)22:40 No.67705 LF P896R418 |
>> | Anonymous 2apr2019(tu)01:04 No.67816 LG P897R419Icon for Onihole APK Making am Icon for the apk of the game |
>> | Anonymous 21apr2019(su)04:17 No.68208 LH P898R420 |
>> | Anonymous 21apr2019(su)04:17 No.68209 LH P899 |
>> | Anonymous 15may2019(we)05:21 No.68732-68733 LH P900-901 |
>> | | Myst - Un Finale.mp3 (1.8 MiB) 01:57 stereo 44kHz 127kbps CBR <PREVIEW>Robyn Miller - Un-Finale "Myst" 1998 [Video Game] Comment: Ripped By Duvessa Track: 22 Encoder: LAME3.95 |
>> | gay42069 20jun2019(th)17:35 No.69495 LI P902R421hot af Just wanted app icon |
>> | Anonymous 24jun2019(mo)03:51 No.69575 LJ P903R422 |
>> | Anonymous 12jul2019(fr)20:21 No.69971 LK P904R423 |
>> | r0jer 13jul2019(sa)13:04 No.69988 LL P905R424tailsxwave Wave the Swallow is a flying character, just like Tails. She is quick, but she can win races easily using her ability ;) |
>> | Anonymous 1aug2019(th)08:34 No.70381 LH P906R425 |
>> | Anonymous 1aug2019(th)08:34 No.70382 LH P907 |
>> | Anonymous 1aug2019(th)17:38 No.70386 A P908R426 |
>> | Anonymous 3aug2019(sa)00:53 No.70406 LM P909R427 |
>> | Anonymous 15aug2019(th)06:13 No.70605-70606 LN P910-911R428I can't figure out swftools |
>> | |
>> | may 16aug2019(fr)16:29 No.70649 LO P912R429may may icon |
>> | may 16aug2019(fr)16:40 No.70650 LO P913may may jpg icon for apk |
>> | Anonymous 16aug2019(fr)17:12 No.70653 LO P914rhythm heaven rhythm heaven icon for apk |
>> | Anonymous 16aug2019(fr)17:13 No.70654 LO P915april april icon for apk |
>> | Anonymous 12sep2019(th)00:42 No.71038 LP P916R430sfzfsdfsf fasfsfsffaaweg gr eg |
>> | Anonymous 12sep2019(th)00:42 No.71039 LP P917 |
>> | Pixy 12nov2019(tu)19:06 No.72207 LQ P918R431paraphore Lol just need a picture for the swf>apk |
>> | Anonymous 18nov2019(mo)08:37 No.72283 LR P919R432 |
>> | krogyeko 20nov2019(we)19:37 No.72324 LS P920R433pic to 224187 pic to 224187 for apk |
>> | krogyeko 20nov2019(we)21:57 No.72326 LS P921/中身きもくないさん icon 224187 for apk (re:) |
>> | krogyeko 20nov2019(we)22:01 No.72327 LS P922/中身きもくないさん 150x150 |
>> | krogyeko 20nov2019(we)22:18 No.72328 LS P923everything is test because i dont know why it dont work testing |
>> | Anonymous 25nov2019(mo)06:46 No.72399 FN P924R434 | 123.mp3 (8.93 MiB) 04:49 stereo 48kHz 256kbps CBR <PREVIEW>Glass Animals - Gooey "Magic Mike XXL (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)" 20140213 Encoder: LAME3.100 |
>> | Anonymous 25nov2019(mo)06:50 No.72400 FN P925 |
>> | Anonymous 25nov2019(mo)07:08 No.72401 FN P926 |
>> | Anonymous 15dec2019(su)21:18 No.72784 LT P927R435ponka anal apk doing this for an apk image |
>> | Anonymous 21dec2019(sa)09:20 No.72878 LU P928R436Paraphore Attempting to make a Paraphore APK |
>> | Anonymous 9jan2020(th)08:33 No.73159 LV P929R437SSG Creambee, testing it out ATtempt 3 |
>> | Anonymous 16apr2020(th)01:54 No.76300 LW P930R438 |
>> | Anonymous 16apr2020(th)02:17 No.76301 LW P931 |
>> | Anonymous 17may2020(su)03:48 No.77143 LX P932R439 |
>> | Anonymous 15jun2020(mo)01:52 No.77675 LY P933R440Creambee Icon Creambee Icon |
>> | Anonymous 17jul2020(fr)05:41 No.78223 LH P934R441 |
>> | Blank 12jan2021(tu)12:54 No.82716 LZ P935R442Blank Audio + file pick image 250 ms of Blank, and prompt to pick file |
>> | Blank 12jan2021(tu)12:54 No.82717 LZ P936 |
>> | Silence 12jan2021(tu)13:18 No.82720 LZ P9371 second 1 second of silence |
>> | Anonymous 13apr2021(tu)03:15 No.84715 LH P938R443 |
>> | w7-890 11jun2021(fr)20:54 No.85862 MA P939R444its me again long time no post (on disc) found this random game while looking for stuff original game download (audio extracted with X-ripper on data-gob file after install) / (sorry i cant upload SeaWolf soundtrack .ogg is not accepted post failed) Link description: / |
>> | Anonymous 18feb2022(fr)23:56 No.88709 MB P940R445I’ve been putting off making this swf loop for years. Thought I’d finally get around to doing it. I've been trying to upload a rar of the image sequence but it seems to keep failing no matter what I do. |
>> | Anonymous 19feb2022(sa)20:32 No.88725-88726 MB P941-942The previous one worked fine simply exporting all the frames as a gif and then mucking around with the various frames. Thought I might try a few more. |
>> | |
>> | Anonymous 19feb2022(sa)23:26 No.88727-88728 MB P943-944And one more. |
>> | |
>> | Anonymous 28jul2022(th)19:14 No.91363 MC P945R446 |
>> | Femanon 19feb2023(su)23:38 No.95069 MD P946R447NIGGER I MADE NIGGER ART STYLE ! |
>> | Anonymous 29apr2023(sa)23:45 No.96611 ME P947R448A new episode of Sublo and Tangy Mustard is out, so I thought I'd make a small loop. I’ve been trying for hours to make a RAR that the system will accept to no avail. Not even the offical WinRAR method works. Happily, it seems alright as a GIF. |
>> | Anonymous 1may2023(mo)09:56 No.96616 MF P948R449 |
>> | Anonymous 2may2023(tu)22:22 No.96623 ME P949R450 |
>> | Anonymous 8jun2023(th)16:14 No.96944-96945 BF P950-951R451 |
>> | |
>> | Anonymous 10jun2023(sa)17:45 No.96953 MG P952R452 |
>> | Anonymous 10jun2023(sa)17:45 No.96954 MG P953 |
>> | Anonymous 10jun2023(sa)20:37 No.96957 MG P954A Steven Universe themed NSFW loop this time. |
>> | Anonymous 10jun2023(sa)20:37 No.96958 MG P955 |
>> | Anonymous 10jun2023(sa)20:37 No.96959 MG P956 |
>> | Anonymous 10jun2023(sa)20:41 No.96960 MG P957 |
>> | Anonymous 10jun2023(sa)20:41 No.96961 MG P958 |
>> | Anonymous 10jun2023(sa)20:41 No.96962 MG P959 |
>> | Anonymous 11jun2023(su)00:50 No.96976 MG P960"Are these the gentlemen from AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-1 Plumbing?" |
>> | Anonymous 11jun2023(su)00:50 No.96977 MG P961 |
>> | Anonymous 3aug2023(th)04:55 No.99252 A P962R453 |
>> | Anonymous 3aug2023(th)05:09 No.99254 A P963 |
>> | Anonymous 4aug2023(fr)17:50 No.99261 A P964 | ppg.rar * (84.08 MiB) Unpacked: 84.18 MiB. Files: 434. Directories: 0. Images: 434. Contains: JPG <LIST> Description: For transit.swf |
>> | Anonymous 4aug2023(fr)17:54 No.99262 A P965 |
>> | Anonymous 11aug2023(fr)00:09 No.99292 MH P966R454 |
>> | Anonymous 11aug2023(fr)00:14 No.99293 MH P967 |
>> | Anonymous 11aug2023(fr)00:17 No.99295 MH P968 |
>> | Anonymous 12aug2023(sa)09:31 No.99307 MI P969R455 |
>> | Anonymous 12aug2023(sa)09:39 No.99308 MI P970 |
>> | Nanonymous 17aug2023(th)11:16 No.99427-99428 MJ P971-972R456isa isa |
>> | |
>> | Anonymous 26aug2023(sa)16:24 No.99487 MK P973R457Feline Fantasies Icon FF Icon |
>> | Anonymous 12sep2023(tu)01:33 No.99581 ML P974R458 |
>> | Anonymous 23dec2023(sa)23:48 No.100575 MM P975R459 |
>> | Anonymous 23dec2023(sa)23:48 No.100576 MM P976 |
>> | Anonymous 24dec2023(su)00:01 No.100577 MM P977 |
>> | Anonymous 24dec2023(su)00:11 No.100578 MM P978 |
>> | Anonymous 24dec2023(su)12:53 No.100585 MM P979 |
>> | Anonymous 24dec2023(su)12:59 No.100586 MM P980 |
>> | iodfoifo 29dec2023(fr)16:08 No.100635 MN P981R460The Torture Game 2  D/2wBDAAMCAgMCAgMDAwMEAwMEBQgFBQQEBQoHBwYIDAoMDAsK CwsNDhIQDQ4RDgsLEBYQERMUFRUVDA8XGBYUGBIUFRT/2wBDAQ MEBAUEBQkFBQkUDQsNFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQU FBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBT/wAARCABLAEsDAS IAAhEBAxEB/8QAHwAAAQUBAQEBAQEAAAAAAAAAAAECAwQFBgcI CQoL/8QAtRAAAgEDAwIEAwUFBAQAAAF9AQIDAAQRBRIhMUEGE1 FhByJxFDKBkaEII0KxwRVS0fAkM2JyggkKFhcYGRolJicoKSo0 NTY3ODk6Q0RFRkdISUpTVFVWV1hZWmNkZWZnaGlqc3R1dnd4eX qDhIWGh4iJipKTlJWWl5iZmqKjpKWmp6ipqrKztLW2t7i5usLD xMXGx8jJytLT1NXW19jZ2uHi4+Tl5ufo6erx8vP09fb3+Pn6/8 QAHwEAAwEBAQEBAQEBAQAAAAAAAAECAwQFBgcICQoL/8QAtREA AgECBAQDBAcFBAQAAQJ3AAECAxEEBSExBhJBUQdhcRMiMoEIFE KRobHBCSMzUvAVYnLRChYkNOEl8RcYGRomJygpKjU2Nzg5OkNE RUZHSElKU1RVVldYWVpjZGVmZ2hpanN0dXZ3eHl6goOEhYaHiI mKkpOUlZaXmJmaoqOkpaanqKmqsrO0tba3uLm6wsPExcbHyMnK 0tPU1dbX2Nna4uPk5ebn6Onq8vP09fb3+Pn6/9oADAMBAAIRAx EAPwD83W+JGur/AMvw/wC/a/4VB/ws7xBu/wCP0Y/65r/hXJmi klY1nPm2VjtYviX4g25F8P8Av0v+FE3xN8Q8E3yhc8/ul/wrjF kK9DSyTGTrU8ruaOpBxtbU7I/EzV9z4u9wI/55L/hUa/ErV9x3 XO4dv3a1x1FHIjDmZ2w+JGpeYoF0SMZzsH+FakPjrVmXP2gc9y g/wrzYMc8Vaj1CVMgtuGMYrKdNv4WVGS6npEPizVFO6S6BB/2B /hUUnjXUxIQtx8vb92P8K4BdWuPly2eMHnrUn9rOfQe2TWKo1b 6yKc49EZlFFFdxiFFFFABRRRQAUUc9q6bwL4F1X4ga1FpmmQgs QZJriQ7YreMfekkboqgd6TairsaV9EQeC/Bmq+PNbg0nSLZri5 lPJHCRr3dz0VR6mvXDefBfwif7HvdH1PxReWf7ufVrScJDcSdW KDP3QSVB7hQe9c34y8daZ4W0ObwZ4Hmb+zScanra/JNqkg7A9V hB6L/F1NeUvncc1hyyq6ttL7vv/wAjS6hotWJV6z0W/vpYYray uJ5JuY1jiJLfTjmvoT9k39lO7+NmoJrWqpJF4XtpgpVchrxgfm VT2QcZb3wO+P0y0f4a6P4evbBdF0WG4sLWeCy8mO12+VHJIEby 3/2QPMIB4C89axq4pQlyRV2aQouSvJ2PxU13wjrXhdo11bSrvT TIMp9phZNw9sisY9a/efxt8CdA+J/h3UvCniWxS60+4iZFmZQ0 kJYfLLET91l4PHpg1+Gvjrwrc+B/G2veHbv5rrSb+ewlPq8UjI T+JWuilU9otUZThy7GFXS+A/h74i+JviC10LwzpNzrGqXDbUgt Yyx+p9AO5PAxXtf7Fv7JNz+0540uzqN1JpHgzRkEuqalGAXZmP yQRZ/jbBPoqgk9gf0r0vQfBfwE0KTSPAWhWukKyiF54xuuLnGc GSQ/M3JJ7DnpWNfExoLXc0pUXUPmX4R/8E1/D/gn7Hq/xV1yPV 7zAkPhvSWIjB67ZZ+/oQn517nJ+z74E+JHh/xdoqaZDoWl6tbr aWlxosItha7f9UcLzLhsbtxO4Ejg18gftZ/tfaneXl34U8L6m0 cwLR6jqVs2CpPBhiYdPRmHToO9Xv2Nfi54j8TeCrrwfDr0cGr6 DqNnqGlxXMmGu7Pe63dv0JfCNuAHIwD2rilGvUiqsnZdjoj7OL 9mvvPkr4qfDPW/hB4+1jwn4ht/s+p6bN5b45SRSAUdT3VlIYH0 IrkTX1r/AMFGNJvLz4qeHvGJt3XTvEOiQeXcFtyvNBmOVfYgeW 2PR1PevkputerTl7SCn3OKceWTR+7Pwt+Dlp4W8C6Bp2gSDTbC W0k07bGpbyWIZlc46MSG5Pc+tdZNo914f1Ows7CKZ7udWVb2bB VGAGZCCcY2g+54rptb8G6pqHhPU7Hw1rreEdWvFAh1SO2W4Nvh gSfLYhTkcc9Mk18t/E74T/tfzPcy6J8RfDPiW2hO6CFIEtJW4/ uuoAOfc15EaN0nfU9GVZ2stj3Lxn8c9C8B+D7LXPEU6R6qXkgT Srf57m/mSR0jjhiByTKcEDsG54Ga+TfB/wDwT907xBrWp/EH4y zXNx4i12+m1W48PWMvlxWjSyNIY5ZQCWYbgCFxj1ruP2Y/2edP +BF5ceOvinfjxH8WL53lLTSeculbssyxnp5pzyw4UcL61e+P/w C1povhnSJpr+5XTbRf9Vbx4Nxcn+6o/r0HrVVK3J7lPVmcafN7 0tEa8nxE8Dfs/wDg2bStD0vT/CPhq2kM8m0nYZGAG5mYlmYhQO uTjAr4a+Ov7aw163vdN8Gm4V7jfG+qTLs2IeD5S5znGcE4x169 PEPjV8dNb+MmtmW8c2mkQsfsuno3yr/tOf4nPr26DFeYN941tR wl7TrO7IqYj7NPRDppGkkZmOSxySe9WNO1K70u4W4srma0uFDK JoJCjhWUqwBHOCCQR3BIqpRXpnEbuueM9c8Q2NnZapq15fWtkq x29vPMzJCFRUAVTwMKqrkdQBWG3JpKKAP6VbrFnZyFcknjJPtX Ar4tOm6siSzL877QCQK6zxFdSx4RXwuCcYr8qf8Agpp4u1rTfi B4MsrPVLq0tVsJboR28pjHmmVlL/LjJ2qB9K8bldWooRdj0L8s XJ6nuH7f37V2k/CnxVp2l+HLez1nxLeaeJrtjMGhtPmZU3heS5 A+7kcY9q/MLxl401jx54gutZ1q8e8vrhtzM3AUdlUfwqPQViXV zNeXDzTyvNM/LSSMWYnHcmoq9OnRhTd0te5ySqSmrPYD1ooorY yCiiigAooooA//2Q== Link description: S&re=df&s=4&p=AbrfA8oR7dROqSqLX2I5a0XhBSxFiARLKaX1 IDfU11USTtTIyYF_syskJL0QHVEv5t1CJKc5gyJ5vSAi-SqYcH lqx51tyrSmMBol79KwckLt_hRhDUobAGU17HTTs5v7G8dETaPj 6 |
>> | Anonymous 31dec2023(su)17:25 No.100659 MO P982R461 |
>> | Anonymous 18jan2024(th)06:23 No.100756 MP P983R462 |
>> | Anonymous 15mar2024(fr)11:04 No.101124 MQ P984R463app icon |
>> | Maxor808 31mar2024(su)11:38 No.101211 MR P985R464APK Icon Photo- HKG5/Filia Custom Icon for an App |
>> | Maxor808 31mar2024(su)11:38 No.101212 MR P986 |
>> | Anonymous 8apr2024(mo)22:48 No.101276 MS P987R465 |
>> | Anonymous 8apr2024(mo)22:48 No.101277 MS P988 |
>> | Anonymous 13apr2024(sa)08:47 No.101296 MT P989R466Super Mario Crossover Mario Crossover |
>> | FreakyGram 14apr2024(su)08:57 No.101301 MU P990R467 |
>> | Anonymous 18may2024(sa)20:31 No.101394 MV P991R468111 111 |
>> | Nanonymous 4jun2024(tu)02:44 No.101559 MW P992R469Don't ask |
>> | arm 10jun2024(mo)00:48 No.101637 MX P993R470 |
>> | Anonymous 21jul2024(su)13:56 No.101999 MY P994R471A twist on an old classic |
>> | Anonymous 21jul2024(su)14:16 No.102001 MY P995 |
>> | Anonymous 21jul2024(su)15:25 No.102003 MY P996 | Description: Gem drill sequence from Steven Universe |
>> | Anonymous 27jul2024(sa)19:58 No.102071 MZ P997R472Ibuki Ibuki icon |
>> | kur 30jul2024(tu)13:40 No.102124 NA P998R473game game |
>> | Wakauron 16aug2024(fr)15:39 No.102279 NB P999R474Wakrn Wakrn |
>> | Anonymous 19aug2024(mo)13:31 No.102304 NC P1000R475 |
>> | Anonymous 24aug2024(sa)19:49 No.102333 ND P1001R476Behind The Dune Icon Behind The Dune Icon |
>> | rylan 2sep2024(mo)09:30 No.102462-102463 NE P1002-1003R477lol.swf My own file. Shows LOL text with some unbelievably hilarious music. |
>> | |
>> | Anonymous 3sep2024(tu)09:50 No.102469 NF P1004R478 |
>> | Anonymous 22sep2024(su)09:16 No.102561 NG P1005R479androidow androidow |
>> | Anonymous 22sep2024(su)13:30 No.102566 NG P1006mew games p1 mew games p |
>> | Anonymous 22sep2024(su)13:30 No.102567 NG P1007 |
>> | Anonymous 22sep2024(su)13:30 No.102568 NG P1008 |
>> | Anonymous 22sep2024(su)16:56 No.102574 NG P1009P3 P3 |
>> | Anonymous 22sep2024(su)16:56 No.102575 NG P1010 |
>> | Anonymous 22sep2024(su)16:56 No.102576 NG P1011 |
>> | Anonymous 22sep2024(su)16:57 No.102578 NG P1012P4 P4 |
>> | Anonymous 22sep2024(su)16:57 No.102579 NG P1013 |
>> | Anonymous 22sep2024(su)16:57 No.102580 NG P1014 |
>> | Anonymous 22sep2024(su)16:57 No.102581 NG P1015P5 P5 |
>> | Anonymous 22sep2024(su)16:57 No.102582 NG P1016 |
>> | Anonymous 22sep2024(su)16:57 No.102583 NG P1017 |
>> | 1213 22sep2024(su)18:44 No.102585 NG P1018P7 P7 |
>> | 1213 22sep2024(su)18:44 No.102586 NG P1019 |
>> | 1213 22sep2024(su)18:44 No.102587 NG P1020 |
>> | 1213 22sep2024(su)19:44 No.102590 NG P1021P9 P9 |
>> | 1213 22sep2024(su)19:44 No.102591 NG P1022 |
>> | 1213 22sep2024(su)19:44 No.102592 NG P1023 |