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>>Anonymous  27jul2016(we)18:12  No.37023  OP  P1

Hakan Karahisar
Graetzstraße 4
D-58762 Altena

this person is a child abuser , please communicate this info worldwide

>>Anonymous  28jul2016(th)18:05  No.37061  A  P2R1
Even if this is true.
Why the fuck would you post personal information here?
Even criminals have rights, you know?
Let the police handle this.
>>Anonymous  28jul2016(th)20:18  No.37063  B  P3R2
>complains about pedos
>on a *chan

Where do you think you are?

>>Anonymous  28jul2016(th)21:46  No.37066  C  P4
It's not like this guy is providing any kind of proof what-so-ever to his claim either. Besides, "child abuse" could mean so many things. Something abusive in one coutry might not even count as such in another. Talk about witch hunting. I agree, leave such matters to the police.

Bugger off OP and stop wasting your time.

>>Anonymous  29jul2016(fr)11:33  No.37089  A  P5R3
pedo =/= rapist
Child abuse happens when both things come together.
Some people on *chans might be pedos, but not rapists.
Fapping to loli doesn't hurt anyone.
(and the laws in some countries that make lolicon illegal are counterproductive and retarded)

It seems that OP and the accused both live in germany.
German society doesn't play nice with pedophiles at all.
In germany if you are suspected to be a child abuser and it becomes public you might as well just kill yourself or at the very least leave the country, even after you've been proven innocent by court. (yes it's that extreme, no joke)

That is another reason why OP should leave this to the police and keep his fucking mouth shut.
Even the police is biased enough when it comes to this kind of stuff.

>>Anonymous  29jul2016(fr)14:51  No.37092  D  P6R4
>German society doesn't play nice with pedophiles at all.
It's a shame that the German society doesn't exist anymore then.
Aloha Snackbar!
>>Anonymous  30jul2016(sa)09:00  No.37113  A  P7R5
Sadly, you got a point there.
At the moment they'd probably let a child rapist go free on the grounds that he's muslim and it's his 'culture'.
And then people wonder why right wing parties gain votes...
By the way: If you vote for Hillary you'll soon have the same problem.
>>Anonymous  30jul2016(sa)10:01  No.37117  B  P8R6



I have gained Brouzouf. My legs are fine.

>>Anonymous  30jul2016(sa)11:38  No.37120  A  P9R7
Took me a 10 minute google search to get the reference since I never played E.Y.E.

I think you should reread what Hillary want's to do.
Like taking in thousands of "syrian" refugees for example.
Germany took in some of them and had multiple terror attacks since.
The vast majority of them done by refugees. And Merkel is like:"Keep them comming."
That's a fact and no amount of liberal lefty PC bullshit can change that.

I know that Trump is an ass, but at least he doesn't want to destroy the western world by flooding them with muslims and possibly terrorists.

>>Anonymous  30jul2016(sa)18:45  No.37126  E  P10R8
Dude look germany is one of the biggest pedophile countries in both production and usage and that has nothing to do with immigrants all these people in this thread blaming muslims or saying we deal harshly with them are either kidding themself or are straight up lying.

Hell google Edathy

>>Anonymous  30jul2016(sa)18:47  No.37128  E  P11

we took millions also we had 3 attacks one was from a refugee the other two by guys that were born here.

Also one of them was a german-iranian nazi and exclusivly shoot turks and shit

>>Anonymous  30jul2016(sa)19:44  No.37130  A  P12R9
>germany is one of the biggest pedophile countries in both production and usage
That is complete bullshit.
>google Edathy
Yes, he's a pedo and he downloaded that shit.
You are naming me one person here and the case is ocer 2 years old and suddenly it's all of germany?
Give me a break!
Meanwhile in Iran, for example, it's legal to marry a 13 year old.
And when we get a bit historical here: Muhammeds wife was 6 when he married her. He waited untill she was 9 to fuck her though. How nice of him...
And yes, that's historical correct.

>3 attacks
>one was from a refugee
>other two by guys that were born here.
Correct, and one of them was muslim.
>one of them was a german-iranian nazi and exclusivly shoot turks and shit.
And that debunks me how?

If 4 muslims kill someone and one non-muslim kills someone,
how exactly are the other 4 suddenly ok?
This fucking lefty logic boggles my mind. Same shit after the sexual harrasment case at New Year.
Over 100 refugees did it, but it's okay since we also had a hand full of cases where it was a german.

What's next? Erdogan making another Holocaust but it's alright since germany already had one?
Give me a fucking break!
Oh wait, He's already making a dictatorship. A muslim one, if I may point that out.

Islamic fundamentalists and the western world don't fit together.
It's not going to work. Stop trying to make it work for gods sake!

>>Anonymous  30jul2016(sa)20:00  No.37131  A  P13
Almost forgot that one
>we took millions
Do you even know hom many people live in germany?
About 81 to 82 million total. (including "non-germans")
Taking in millions of refuuges is fucking retarded!
Just one million is more than 1% of the german population!
That's not immigration, that's a fucking invasion!
And everybody is okay with that?

And by the way:
Did you hear about the new rules concerning public baths in some towns?
They are now separated by gender because refuuges raped women and children!
So instead of fighting the problem, lets separete the baths.

How fucking dense are these people?!
Created: 27/7 -2016 18:12:44 Last modified: 18/10 -2024 05:54:44 Server time: 18/10 -2024 06:15:40