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>>Anonymous  25aug2011(th)00:58  No.2510  OP  P1
Another Super smash brothers wishlist


She could use A Deku Stick/Sheild Combo for A-attacks. Her B attack could be a quick volley of 3 (or 5 charged) Deku seeds from the Fairy Slingshot. her up-B can be throwing A Deku nut into the air, If it doesn't hit a target,it comes back down and stuns any enemy in a small radius. Her Down-B could be a spinning swipe with a flaming deku stick, causing fire damage. Her final smash could be her famous tune, causing everyone to dance around, leaving them exposed.

Skull Kid

he could use his mask to grant himself immeasurable power. utilizing punches/tackles for A attacks. His B Attack could be Firing a Beam of energy out of the mask. His side B could be a spinning dance move,sliding into his enemy,hitting them for medium damage. similar to majoras Incarnation. His Down B can be a spinning energy attack. His final smash could be Majora's Wrath. Or the moon. (on Great bay stage) For the lulz.

Simon/Richter Belmont;Nathan Graves

All nintendo, All good fighters, all have a ridiculous amount of weapons. They have so many weapon's i wouldn't even know where to start. leave a comment and see if we can think of something!

Joshua Fireseed/Tal'set (Turok)

Could use his Pulse rifle/energy weapons along with his Bow and Knife. His B attack could be a charged Tek-bow
(or regular shot) depending on which skin you pick. His Side B Could be a Slash with his knife. His Down B Would lay a mine with his mine launcher, and his Up-B could be firing the pulse rifle in an arc. His final smash could be the chronoscepter.


Geno could use his detachable limbs for a ranged series of A-attacks. Geno Beam as his Charged B attack. Geno whirl could be his side smash, with a chance of a critical. his Down B could be Geno blast, where he summons Energy from the sky similar to pikachu, but with a wider AOE, and less power. His final smash would be the Geno Cannon!

Young Link/"(Mask-Link)"

Young Link would have all the abilities he did in melee. some of his smash moves should change however. His B attack could be the Bommerang. His Down-B could be a Bombchu, and his Side B Could be a More powerful, one-shot version of Saria's. His Final Smash would be The Song of Storms, sending lightning down all around the stage,as well as slowing enemy movement.

Majoras mask Link Could switch between his Zora,Deku,and Goron form with down,side and up B (possibly) He could upgrade to the gilded sword, as well as wield the mirror shield. Which reflects projectiles. His final smash could be Fierce Deity Link.

Imp Midna Wolf-Link

Midna and Wolf Link could be a Fast, medium strength character, Like Wolf.
Their B attack could be a Powerful slap with Midna's Hair
Their Up-B could be a powerful,straight strike into the air with Midna's Spear. Their Side-B could be a great Lunge that attaches to an enemy, and gives Wolf Link the chance to bite them, before throwing them in the Direction Link is facing. Their Down-B could be a charged attack that leaps at multiple enemies with every Press of the B button. Similar to Sonic's But with a shorter reach. Their Final Smash could be Midna and Link turning into a mighty spirit creature that attacks everyone on stage.

King-K Rool.
He would be a Strong character with Long reach, Faster than bowser but with Worse recovery time. His B attack could be a shot from his Musket, or a Straight Punch with Boxing gloves (I'll let you decide) His Up-B Would be a great tail-swipe in an arc. His Side-B would be a rolling smash, Similar to Jiggly-puffs. But instantaneous and with a shorter reach. Finally his Down B could be a Roar in all directions. His final smash could be a rain of orange grenades from howling lackies in the backround. just like in DK64!

Another character with Long reach. He is faster and lighter than king K rool. With quicker
attacks, but less power.his B could be him throwing a baseball into the air, hitting it at his opponenet with a 5% chance of
turning into a Bob-Omb.his side B could be his vine whip. which snags enemies and grabs onto edges. his Down B would be a
Spinning-Splitkick. Pulling the enemy in and kicking them in a random direction. his up B would have
Waluigi grab his opponenet's head, jumping high into the air and "dunking" their face into the ground!


She could wield her staff at close range. Her Up-B would be a sweeping arc with her staff. Her Side B could be a butterfly kick. (similar to Wolf's but with longer reach) Her down-B could be a spin attack with her staff, that shoots ice out as she twirls it. Finally her Regular B Attack could be the Starfox adventures-style Sniper-rifle. Not everyone should have a pistol!

Her final Smash could be Calling in for Close Air support from the Great Fox, or Arwing's raining down fire!

Assist Trophies

Batallion Wars Gunship Assault/Bombing run. (Or alternitavley a chopper filled with soldiers could land, blasting the enemies with their weapons)

Hero's Shade takes to the battlefield,cutting down foes.

Mew unleashes a World-Destroying blast while cutley exclaiming "Mew!"

New Stages:

The Forest Temple. (Saria's Official stage)
The Poe sisters will appear at random to heckle the players

Stone Tower/Lake Hylia (Mask Link's/Young Link's official Stage's respectively)

Stone Tower; The stage Will Randomly Flip upside down / Lake Hylia; A scarecrow will randomly burst into song and dance in the background

Inside the Moon (Skull kid's Official stage)

A Kid with a mask will randomly approach your character, asking if he or she wan't to play. (can be killed, re-spawns on stage cycle)

Dracula's Castle ( changes through all the games as match progresses) Official stage of Richter/Simon/Nathan

All manner of foul Creature attack the players through out the match, At the end of the Stage Cycle, in Dracula's throne room. The Man himself joins thee fray (can be killed, but is a bit tougher than normal enemies)

The Port Of Adia. (Turok's Official Stage)
Explosions randomly go off through out the match as fighting can be seen in the background. Screams of agony can be heard as the soldiers die horrible deaths, showcasing adia's Siege

Forest Maze (Geno's Official Stage)

Paralyzing Arrows rain down at random points through out the match, bowyer is seen firing from the background when this occurs
(slow and can be dodged)

Krazoa Shrine/Sanctuary (Krystals official stage)

Every so often a crystal will appear, entrapping a player for about 15 seconds. making them invulnerable, but unable to move.

Truffle Towers (Waluigi's official stage)

IF the players do not keep the crowd entertained, Bob-ombs fall from the sky until the crowd is pleased.

Dk Isles (King K-Rools official stage)
King K Rools minions randomly throw orange grenades from the background.

Snowpeak ruins (Midna/Wolf Links official stage)
the abominable snowman will fly across the stage on his snowboard, doing tricks and hitting anyone in his way.

>>Anonymous  25aug2011(th)12:55  No.2511  A  P2R1
Where'd you copy this from?
>>Anonymous  25aug2011(th)19:19  No.2513  OP  P3R2
deviantart <3
>>Anonymous  26aug2011(fr)22:36  No.2521  A  P4R3
Alright... I've not played since the one that was on Game Cube. I was never into it. But it looked really good, though I heared they messed it up in the later game and made it not as fun anymore.
Created: 25/8 -2011 00:58:05 Last modified: 11/3 -2025 13:00:44 Server time: 11/03 -2025 13:25:56