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>>Diagod  6nov2024(we)06:52  No.102881  OP  P1
Faye Valentine Captured Version 2.0 is here!

Version 2.0 is done! Here are a few additions/changes.

- Added clothing options
- redid some animations
- Switchable male character
- new opening menu

Faye Valentine Captured v2.0.swf (3.93 MiB)
900x500, Compressed (Deflate). 912 frames, 24 fps (00:38).
Ver15, AS3. Network access: No. Text: Yes.
Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Yes. Video: No. <METADATA>
[find in archive]

>>Anonymous  6nov2024(we)09:29  No.102882  A  P2R1
Are you visible anywhere else? Twitter, Bluesky, or whatever? I like your work
>>Diagod  6nov2024(we)10:30  No.102883  B  P3R2
Thanks, I don’t have any social media accounts. I mainly made this just for the heck of it.
>>Anonymous  6nov2024(we)13:20  No.102884  A  P4R3
You do realize decent swf animators are like unicorn in current year right? You're definitely a unicorn.

A lot of swf animators now are either not that good in the first place, or end up milking their audience behind a paywall (dong134, creambee, balsamique, etc), or just straight up quit (zone, wtdinner).

I think your work is great. Would love to be able to track your work if you do decide to do new stuff, but on the other hand I actually do respect and get it if you want to stay as you are on swfchan.

>>Anonymous  6nov2024(we)14:26  No.102885  C  P5R4
Innit good animation. Are you planning to make any games or just non-porn stuff?
>>Anonymous  6nov2024(we)14:45  No.102886  D  P6R5
Good day to release on, this is as good celebration of Trump winning as any. Nice work OP.
>>Anonymous  6nov2024(we)16:18  No.102887  E  P7R6
I don't remember zone ever saying he quit.
>>Anonymous  6nov2024(we)20:06  No.102888  F  P8R7
This is wonderful, great job, do you have other character in mind want to make with?
>>Anonymous  7nov2024(th)00:15  No.102889  G  P9R8
Really fantastic stuff. Please, keep it up.
>>Anonymous  7nov2024(th)19:36  No.102890  H  P10R9
you do realize he wants to criminalize porn, right
like I get it, you hate the fags and the negros and want them to die but you know he's coming for swfchan, right
it's in project 2025
>>Anonymous  8nov2024(fr)02:36  No.102891  I  P11R10
he/she retired, they just do streaming now, no more flash animations from them, is just either hired streamers with very impressive vtube models or the occasional zonebot avatar vrchat model doing clean streams and nsfw streams with a robot voice changer, the model is not lewd is just probably the 3d tracking moves like there is a vibrator in their ass/cunt or they look like they're jerking/shlicking off. the model limbs just clip into other body parts so it looks jank AF
>>Anonymous  8nov2024(fr)22:03  No.102894  C  P12R11
As far as I remember, swfchan is in Swedish jurisdiction and obeys Swedish laws (see report page), so swfchan shall live some more!
>>Anonymous  8nov2024(fr)23:06  No.102895  D  P13R12
You do realize Trump has nothing to do with Project 2025 and that was just another democrat lie to try and demoralize people so his voter base would diminish?
>>Anonymous  12nov2024(tu)05:52  No.102917  J  P14R13

>Everything I disagree with is a conspiracy

>>Anonymous  14nov2024(th)04:00  No.102920  K  P15R14
dude he already won you can shift to "guys it won't even be that bad no really tho" now, and then when it is that bad you can just blame the democrats for it since everyone in the country is an invalid who will lap it up
>>Anonymous  14nov2024(th)07:28  No.102921  G  P16R15
Quit talking about this bullshit and jerk off already, fuck.
>>Anonymous  14nov2024(th)07:28  No.102922  G  P17
Quit talking about political bullshit under this work of fine art, retards.
>>Anonymous  14nov2024(th)07:29  No.102923  G  P18
^ okay maybe i'm the retard
>>Anonymous  14nov2024(th)19:43  No.102924  L  P19R16

Btw, get your fucking head out of your arse. The motherfucking Heritage Foundation created Project 2025, and a siginificant number of lead authors used to work in and for the first Trump administration. Trump might not have worked on it directly (because he has the reading and writing skills of a five-year-old), but Kevin Roberts sure is eager to get between those orange cheeks. You can bet that once that sweet Koch money starts rolling in, Trump will be all over Project 2025.

>>Anonymous  15nov2024(fr)17:17  No.102925  E  P20
>>Anonymous  15nov2024(fr)18:59  No.102926  M  P21R17
Fr.. Just seeing 16 comments on the flash, I honestly thought this might have been a discussion about Diagod or something related to swfchan. Instead it's a couple of /pol shits arguing instead of fapping to porn like the rest of us.
>>Anonymous  16nov2024(sa)04:01  No.102927  G  P22R18
Exactly, that's what I'm fucking saying. Get these shitheads out of here, they're stinking up the Diagod thread.
>>Anonymous  22nov2024(fr)15:39  No.102937  A  P23R19
Oh yeah Zone didn't quit, they just never continued doing that one thing ever again, very different from quitting, clearly
Fucking retard
>>Anonymous  23nov2024(sa)15:31  No.102939  E  P24R20
>he'll be there JUST any minute now
>website says he is nearly finished with the Lord Dominator animation
Let. Me. Believe.
Even fucking Mr. Egoraptor is doing some animation again.
He'll be back with the good stuff. A man can dream.
>>Anonymous  23nov2024(sa)17:53  No.102940  K  P25R21
i'm convinced dominator is coming we're just far past the days of hentaikey being zone's main source of income. I think we'll eventually get Dominator even if it's just Zone dumping the unfinished thing as a final goodbye, and then I think that'll be the last animation... though I don't think Zone will ever actually close shop officially unless Hentaikey goes under.
By the way, is there actually anyone on hentaikey of interest besides Zone? Like... I guess that NarutoPixxx person might be one. Not saying they're actually worth it but that whole network can't be held up by zone alone this long after, right?
>>Anonymous  23nov2024(sa)21:47  No.102942  I  P26R22
everything good or bad on hentai key is already on the internet archive in places like swfchan and other places.
and yeah zone is the only good content. the other stuff is crap, those other flash animators on there don't know what they're doing. and i guess there are site rips floating around somewhere.
>>Anonymous  27nov2024(we)06:19  No.102951  N  P27R23
egoraptor's animating again? I haven't heard anything about that. What did he do? I don't see anything other than work he's commissioned from other animators.
>>Anonymous  27nov2024(we)11:35  No.102952  O  P28R24
Egoraptor isn't animating anymore. He's doing YouTube full-time now on at least one channel that I'm aware of.
>>Yak-er  2dec2024(mo)12:19  No.102980  P  P29R25
I really like your animation, but fucking her with her legs closed is kinda weird. would love to see one of her legs pushed to the side, also kinda giving a view of the action
>>Diagod  21jan2025(tu)11:01  No.103201  Q  P30R26
Really late reply but, I might do a 2.1 update with that in mind
>>Yak-er  27jan2025(mo)00:11  No.103231  P  P31R27
heres hoping you do
Created: 6/11 -2024 06:52:29 Last modified: 14/2 -2025 05:07:56 Server time: 14/02 -2025 05:13:37