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>>snickerdoodle  29sep2024(su)11:35  No.102676  OP  P1
Minus8 - Not New, Ankha Edit

Surprised there was never an Ankha edit. Here's a quick-n-dirty attempt. Never made an SWF edit before so if you have recommendations for editors besides JPEXS decompiler, I'm all ears.

not_new_Ankha_8.swf (7.31 MiB)
500x700, Compressed (Deflate). 2 frames, 30 fps (00:00).
Ver10, AS1/AS2. Network access: No. Text: No.
Bitmaps: No. Audio: No. Video: No. <METADATA>
[find in archive]

>>Anonymous  2oct2024(we)21:07  No.102698  A  P2R1
I wasn't sure what to expect going into this considering the other edits I've seen but this is honestly one of the best Not New edits I've seen, maybe even THE best one yet. Just a shame about her eyes not blinking in sync but it seems no one has found a way to fix that yet, and unfortunately I don't think anyone ever will. A job well done overall, thank you very much for making this.
>>Anonymous  2oct2024(we)23:06  No.102699  B  P3R2
I only wish the animation wasn't one beat behind halfway through, i'm surprised more people aren't bothered by it considering it's a huge part of minus8's shit.
>>Anonymous  3oct2024(th)00:49  No.102700  A  P4R3
It's been a while since I saw the original but it didn't have that issue, did it? I wonder why every edit seems to have it.
>>Anonymous  3oct2024(th)01:08  No.102701  A  P5
Also OP, I have a request for another edit of this if you don't mind me asking...just know that it wouldn't be anything more complex than this. I will wait for your answer first though.
>>snickerdoodle  3oct2024(th)20:43  No.102708  C  P6R4
It's technically present in the original animation from Minus8, but Rosalina's other eye is typically buried under one of the hair shapes. Honestly I'm surprised it matches up for the rest of the animation at all. The hair must have been one of the last additions.
>>snickerdoodle  3oct2024(th)20:44  No.102709  C  P7
Which character did you have in mind?
>>Anonymous  3oct2024(th)21:34  No.102710  A  P8R5
The character is Rouge the Bat. I love seeing Sonic girls in minus8's style but he unfortunately doesn't draw Sonic smut often.
Created: 29/9 -2024 11:35:39 Last modified: 24/10 -2024 05:58:51 Server time: 24/10 -2024 06:21:56