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<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

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Age: 162.11d   Health: 40.6%   Posters: 9   Posts: 10   Replies: 9   Files: 1+2

>>Idk  9may2024(th)01:58  No.101370  OP  P1
Amber's Journey 3.swf (2.62 MiB)
800x600, Compressed (Deflate). 15 frames, 20 fps (00:01).
Ver9, AS3. Network access: No. Text: Yes.
Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: No. Video: No.
[find in archive]
>>Anonymous  11may2024(sa)19:12  No.101381  A  P2R1
i through were amber from gennnnshinn impact 🤡🤡🤡
>>Anonymous  11may2024(sa)21:10  No.101382  B  P3R2
>genshin impact
Sir, I think you got the wrong decade.
>>Anonymous  13may2024(mo)16:09  No.101384  C  P4R3
Adobe flash Nov 1996 - announced 2017 ends 2020

Genshin June 2019

I don't think in that 1 year the 30-40 year old boomers would make flash content with genshin stuff.

>>Anonymous  17may2024(fr)03:16  No.101388  D  P5R4
What are you people on about? People are still making flash content 4 years after it "died"
>>Anonymous  30may2024(th)02:31  No.101482  E  P6R5
A reminder that Fallout 4, Fallout 76, and Starfield all still use Flash for their menus.
>>Anonymous  2jun2024(su)20:04  No.101540  F  P7R6
I still use flash in my browser.

but this flash seems broken, it just shows text bouncing around the screen.

>>Anonymous  6jun2024(th)06:34  No.101578  G  P8R7
Can I get a source for that?
>>Anonymous  20jun2024(th)07:12  No.101774  E  P9R8
Dig into the menus with the Creation Kit and you'll see the HUD overlay, terminal menus, and Pip Boy menus in the most recent Fallout games are .swf files. That's how Lusty Lizard's Flashes got inserted into Fallout 4. In Starfield the inventory and ship menus are .swf files along with the HUD system shared with Fallout 4 and Skyrim. Bethesda's been doing it that way since Morrowind because Creation Engine/Creation Engine 2 are just Net Immerse Override/Gamebryo with very fragile frameworks added on top.
>>Anonymous  21jun2024(fr)01:38  No.101777  H  P10R9

well, yeah, they use scaleforms for most gui work, and all that does is let you use flash/as3 for gui elements. lots of other developers do as well, a good example of this being rockstar
Created: 9/5 -2024 01:58:48 Last modified: 18/10 -2024 04:34:53 Server time: 18/10 -2024 05:02:56