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>>Anonymous  5apr2024(fr)19:41  No.101260  OP  P1
Why no https?

First of all, I want to thank you for a great site. Is there any spetial reasons that https is not supported?

>>Anonymous  6apr2024(sa)15:15  No.101263  A  P2R1
From what I remember some reasons are:
Back when Ants created the code for this Https wasn't really a thing.
He never found the opportunity to bother fiddling around with all the handcrafted code enough to change that.
You wouldn't really need it. There are no real passwords or sensible information exchanged.
This is basically a flash porn database, if you visit this, you shouldn't be doing it at work anyway and you shouldn't be embarrassed by your ISP knowing that you searched for [FURRY]gay_bisexual_underage_inflation_yiffing.sw f as well.
>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  7apr2024(su)18:16  No.101265  SWF  P3R2
I've just not put time towards setting it up, I want to write my own ACME client for certificate upkeep and then I need to go through old code swapping out hardcoded http stuff. I'm also not sure if using Let's Encrypt is a good idea since they are the biggest cert authority (consolidating power, shrinking Internet) but haven't found other reliable free alternatives. The plan was to put swfchan onto https after I got the new server but I've been prioritizing other projects.
>>Anonymous  21jul2024(su)17:28  No.102005  C  P4R3
I agree with the dangers of consolidation, but you could just offer swfchan on both HTTP and HTTPS, and let users choose to which to connect to.
Even self-signing is a possibility, despite its own problems.
>>Joshex  9aug2024(fr)19:31  No.102227  D  P5R4
just remember, Google (in their push to takeover control of how webpages are written to force their spyware browser on everyone) has already stated a plan for the future to use cert authorities to deny access from older browsers so that people can't just use a UserAgent Swapper to get around the block.

also remember google pushed for flash to be banned from browsers so they could push their own dynamic content delivery system via javascript. They hate flash. So, this being a flash hosting site should kindaput us on the side of caution.

I've seen sites get pressured into "Upgrading" their site. and the outcome is incompatibility with older browsers 100% of the time.

also remember google works like this: they pay salaried agents to get hired by other websites and software vendors. so they can have google agents working in all the browser manufacturers and all the big websites. it takes knowledge of web dev to reject them and hang up on them when they call, otherwise they'll convince the simple-minded that your website is somehow insecure and open to attack.

Coming from a forum, I've seen their evil tactics, Google themselves try to DDoS websites with bots so they can come and sell recaptcha based DDoS protection.

again they've made it clear they plan to absorb all the SSL certificate vendors to deny individual users access to websites as they wish. so, in the short term https is ok, but the long term isn't realistic. so if we did switch to https we'd have to be ready to fallback to regular unencrypted http. Simply because int he future if we https google will eventually demand some code updates and spyware script inclusions to continue recieving certificates.

Now I know the google browser only do https and wont let people visit regular http websites, but thats part of their plan to get users to demand https compliance. really what it means is you need to switch to a non-googled browser. sadly even firefox uses google code. so you usually have to use an old browser or keep switching from thirdparty browser to third party browser as google operatives move in and take over the dev teams.

this is the current risk of https.

>>Anonymous  10aug2024(sa)15:17  No.102231  E  P6R5
So you're saying we should develop our own web browser from scratch?
>>Joshex  10aug2024(sa)21:01  No.102232  D  P7R6

whilst that would be great,however you'd have to do alot of vetting to keep google agents off the dev team. because once they get on, they tend to be assertive and try to buy shares and use boardroom pressure to instate a google agent as the project lead.

so the best option is to use what's available, such as old browsers that wont auto-update (or autoupdate can be turned off and actually mean something, and you still have the freedom to install flashplayer)

some sites wont load on such browsers, but I say good riddance, I probably didn't need to go on those sites anyways.

I keep a secondary browser for when sites wont load and I actually need them to (this is very very rare), my secondary browsers are degoogled chrome, and Tor.

Though Tor's dev staff has been infiltrated as they have recently put out a message saying they will no longer provide a windows 7 version of tor after this latest version. (windows 8 and 10+ bricked flashplayer so it wont work in browsers even with the correct older browser)

I don't drink windows 8+ koolaid, in my observation it's just not safe. win 8+ spy on you without permission. they start up the camera and mic when you start talking and send the stream to microsoft. they also record everything you type. so. it's not secure for developers. (hackers can get these streams and decrypt them), and even then turning these features off just means they are on in the background without notifying you. the only fix for this is to use an unofficial patch to the OS to kill these built-in spyware functions, and yeah, I don't know how safe that is. bad operating system. people need to downgrade more to pressure big tech to dial back their authoritarian bs.

>>Anonymous  11aug2024(su)01:02  No.102235  A  P8R7
yaaay, the future looks wonderful (not)

the palemoon devs are doing basically that alreadey
they value their independance from chrome shit and will most likely continue to support http
that is until the devs just die out and the project falls flat, but until then it's my browser of choice
Created: 5/4 -2024 19:41:59 Last modified: 18/10 -2024 05:55:06 Server time: 18/10 -2024 06:25:52