>>85443 Because flash disappearing didn't just (((happen))), it was purpose. So obviously going around telling people about how you can still use it isn't in those people's best interest. At best people would be too lazy to even flick a button to continue using flash. Nobody forces flash down their throats, so they rather consume all the other bullshit getting shoved down there. Secondly, even if companys (like websites) would be willing to encourage usage, it would be a huge liability, because if anything, like ANYTHING happened to some computer expert grandma, it would be their fault for "using dangerous information technology". Worst case is, if word actually got around enough and people would start using flash in numbers again, Adobe would just put a stop to it completely (I mean more as in, removing all slim legacy support still existing and suing every dev or download repository for damages). They did enough false advertising to convince people not to use flash any longer, but imagine being branded a criminal for using flash. Yeah, good luck convincing people with that.Companies want money. They don't care shit about flash, or preserving the internet culture, thousands of flash files (even their own) or the end users enjoying them. If you can sell a flash game on steam or app stores for a dollar, why even have people have the option to play it for free on every browser? Flash sucked for actual raster video playback and that's what it was used for largely. With the advent of html5 video, flash is but a relic of the past where internet was good and the girl were pretty. |