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>>Anonymous  22aug2020(sa)13:12  No.78853  OP  P1
never thought id see a day where there is drama in fucking swfchan loool u cant make this shit up
>>Anonymous  22aug2020(sa)18:46  No.78860  A  P2R1
This new generation of internets can't handle people having an opinion other than their own I guess.
>>Anonymous  22aug2020(sa)21:51  No.78869  B  P3R2
I think it's that people are spoonfed so much of their designated flavour of dogshit in their social media that they either can't think anymore or that thinking for themselves scares the shit out of them.
>>Anonymous  23aug2020(su)06:27  No.78874  C  P4
i think theres been drama before, well maybe not political. but did you really need a new thread for that line instead of posting in one of the drama threads?
>>Anonymous  23aug2020(su)20:48  No.78889  D  P5
Fuck all these bullshit /disc/ threads pushing off older important ones.

There has been. Ants once before posted something about Google doing shady shit and everybody lost theirs.
Also all the time about nigger dicks, cuckoldry, and PeachyPop34.

But, OP opening up the 3rd thread reeks about people invading who never used the site before and only show up because their fellow friends (not to be confused with /f/riends) told them that there was some political "thing" happening on a site nobody knows or cares about.

Hat's off for even being able to open a new thread, OP! I know it's not trivial here on this old board. Well done, you saved Americunts, no go home.

>>Anonymous  25aug2020(tu)16:47  No.78931  E  P6R3
there are so many threads on /disc/ 13 but how come the final thread isn't baleeted yet
>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  29sep2020(tu)21:10  No.80150  SWF  P7R4
Threads on /disc/ never timeout.
Created: 22/8 -2020 13:12:11 Last modified: 14/2 -2025 03:48:32 Server time: 14/02 -2025 03:54:21