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<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

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>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  7mar2011(mo)16:37  No.548  SWF  P1
Suggestions & Feedback

(This post was originally written by "Cross_counter", I'm just putting my name on it so that the thread looks more "official". Original post text:)

wow, having is even greater than the already useful .com
Post any suggestions you have toward the admin!

My and 1st suggestion: add ratings and enable sort by rating. A must for any sort of gallery type of database!

>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  7mar2011(mo)17:34  No.549  SWF  P2R1
I hereby declare this the official swfchan suggestion thread, both for .org .com and .net.

Thanks for the suggestion about ratings, however although might appear as a gallery it is actually an imageboard. This means that the threads and the uploaded files are automatically deleted after a certain time due to inactivity. If the site gains popularity the threads might not stay up for more than a day. When the content is rotated so frequently, and automatically kept to a set maximum count by the system, there is not too much need for ratings don't you agree? Usually the threads are kind-of-rated on imageboards by the amount of replies they get, a thread with a high reply count often means something worth watching.

I'm glad to read that you find the site useful!

>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  8dec2012(sa)01:33  No.5071  SWF  P3
I hereby also declare this to be the official swfchan feedback thread, for all domains.

...Except if what you have to say is regarding any of the services listed on
For anything related to the services, please post in this thread instead:

Otherwise post anything you want to say about the site in this thread.

>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  8dec2012(sa)01:46  No.5072  SWF  P4
Looking for feedback regarding the new file server

Right now I'm trying out a new file server that will primarily be used to host flashes in the porn category on If you see a URL starting with you are pulling a file from this new server.

Mainly I want to know if it's working as it should for everybody. It's not 100% certain that the server will remain so I appreciate your feedback.

Is anyone getting 404 messages incorrectly? If you do please post the full URL that gave you the 404 message (the URL you get from the 'Save' link below the embedded flash, the one that starts with files2).

Also interested in knowing how fast you can download from the new server (and sure, the old ones too). If you want to share some info on your download experience please post what country your are in, what time it is (your local time), how fast you are downloading and from what server you are getting the file from (files1, files2 or files3).

When you view a flash on with the embed option you can see how many KiB/s you download in below the flash (requires JavaScript to be enabled). To know what server you are downloading from, wait until the download has finished and then point and hover above the "Save"-link that appears. Look where the URL leads (if it starts with files2 you just downloaded from the new server).

Mainly interested in your speed from files2, but as I said it would be neat to know your speeds from files1 and files3 as well. Most important however is to let me know if you can't download at all.

>>Anonymous  10dec2012(mo)10:49  No.5079  B  P5R2
Suggestion thread? May I suggest a small pop up warning about the sites adult ads and content? Just a small page you get to before accessing the actual site? I used to block your ads when they were super heavy, then when you cut back a little I unblocked them from your site and forgot about it. Then I wanted to show my 13 year old cousin a funny looped flash, and I went to your site with tits all over the front page. (He left the room about a minute before thank god). It will also be good for younger people stumbling onto your site through google (it appears in the quick search) unknowing about the horrors of a naked body (haha)

But seriously maybe just a small 18+ warning

>>Anonymous  10dec2012(mo)10:49  No.5080  B  P6
Is posting still down? test
>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  10dec2012(mo)10:57  No.5085  SWF  P7R3
Yeah posting was down for a little while due to a rare bug, sorry about that. Fixed now.

Thanks for your suggestion, although at this time I won't implement a "18+ warning message" because I've always hated them and thought they are just silly.

>>Anonymous  12dec2012(we)09:39  No.5098  C  P8R4
There should be a way to filter tags within categories for a more refined search
>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  12dec2012(we)12:40  No.5099  SWF  P9R5
It's coming. Some day haha. That's the "category selector" that's been planned since categories were first introduced two years ago... I'll get to it some day. I didn't really think there was a demand for it, now I know at least one person would like it finished.
>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  14dec2012(fr)00:09  No.5106  SWF  P10
No news is good news

Have exited the testing period of the new file server for, it will stay. Since nobody has complained about not being able to download files from it or that the files are taking too long to download from it I'll just assume that it's fine. Everything seemed fine in my own checks too.

Of course if anything comes up in the future don't hesitate to post about it here. And naturally suggestions and feedback about other things not related to the new server is also welcome in this thread.

>>J  15dec2012(sa)23:13  No.5118  D  P11R6
this happens when i go to the site

this happens when i go to the site (
Warning: Malware ahead!
Google Chrome has blocked access to this site in
Content from, a known distributor of malware has been introduced on this website. Visit this site signifies very likely that your computer is infected with malware.
Malware is malicious software, for example. cause identity theft, financial loss and permanent deletion of files.

>>Nanonymous  16dec2012(su)06:07  No.5119  E  P12R7
Malicious Software

Ever since you added those adds your site now became an attacking site. Can you at least get ads that doesn't harm computers? My browsers are blocking this site from any link I click on

>>Anonymous  16dec2012(su)10:42  No.5121  F  P13R8
Apparently is suspected of malware by Google Chrome.
>>Anonymous  16dec2012(su)21:31  No.5123  G  P14R9
Attack site

The main site .com TLD has gained ads that redirect to malicious websites, your attempt to bring in extra profit has caused you to lose most probably this months profit as well as a few months to come by listing your site as a malware site. You should fix this as quickly as possible or you're going to start losing money fast again.

>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  16dec2012(su)23:23  No.5124  SWF  P15R10
I go on a weekend trip for once and of course that's when something like this happens.

First of all thank you guys very much for letting me know about this.

+ I've removed all ads.

Unless Google soon automatically picks up on the fact that the site now is malware free I will begin investigating what I must do to get off their blacklist. I've no idea what this means since it's never happened before as far as I know. I bet it will go on some kind of permanent record though. (Sigh!)

+ I want to make one thing clear:

I've done nothing to add these virus ads. I've been afk the whole weekend, no changes was made in the site code during this time. Just got back home. AdEngage, AdultAdWorld or JuicyAds must have suddenly started to serve these infected ads through the ad code that was already installed on the site. My best guess is that AAW is the guilty one but it's still just a guess.

The ads are gone for now but I can't stress one thing enough:

+ The site will go under without ads

This means that the ads will be back once swfchan is whitelisted on Google again. Maybe earlier if it takes too long, I've got a good idea of which ads should be okay.

I'll add the ads back one at a time so I can try to see which ones that are safe and which ones that aren't. Probably won't be doable since the ads are served at random and maybe the infected ads are already out of the system. It's all I can do.

I would love to use decent ad providers that can guarantee infected ads to never appear but unfortunately I can only use these kinds that are a bit loose because all the really good ones forbid the content that swfchan must serve to be what it is. If ALL porn was removed from swfchan I could use the top notch ad providers, but then I might as well launch a new site (with close to no visitors surely).

Merry Christmas ey.

>>J  17dec2012(mo)00:28  No.5125  D  P16R11
Diagnoseside for ng/diagnostic? ent=googlechrome&hl=da
2 domain (s) appear to function as an intermediary for distributing malware to visitors of this site, including /, /.

>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  17dec2012(mo)14:29  No.5129  SWF  P17R12
So it was AdultAdWorld after all...

I've just submitted a request for Google to recheck, hopefully everything is back to normal soon.

>>Anonymous  17dec2012(mo)21:36  No.5131  H  P18R13
>The site will go under without ads
Why? Isn't the site hosted on your home bredbandsbolaget connection, and you use the free version of Cloudflare for anti-DDoS and caching?
(I don't mind ads personally, I just am curious as to what you need to pay for, other than your normal ISP service+electricity and domain renewal.)
>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  18dec2012(tu)01:21  No.5133  SWF  P19R14
No the server isn't hosted on my home connection, the old mirror server that I used to make use of was hosted at someone's bredbandsbolaget connection. Since I started using CloudFlare he withdrew since he had been wanting to do that for some time and felt that it was a good time to do so. That server might still be online as far as I know but it doesn't have anything to do with swfchan anymore.

As for what the money goes to: Hosting of the main server, bandwidth, domains, a buffer for new server parts from time to time and that new server in Hungary that was set up this month (to mirror flashes in the porn category, maybe more later). Plus of course myself so I will feel motivated to continue maintaining the site and developing it further.

To be honest I believe the biggest reason that the site will go under without ad-money is that last line. I will probably reach one point in my life when I don't feel like keeping the site around anymore, especially if I would have to invest both time AND money in it. However if I would just need to invest time in it and instead get some money BACK it will be a whole different story.

Say that one day the site gets into a big fuzz over something like, I dunno, someone trying hard to shut it down with lawyers and the whole shebang. That day I might just roll over and let it die, unless I feel a strong urge to invest time and effort into saving it. Making easy money through ads will no doubt help in building that urge.

So the ad-money works a lot to protect the site from future me. Of course I don't know that because at the moment I wouldn't throw away my years of work on swfchan but I never know the thoughts of the self that'll replace me. It's complicated but makes sense. (?)

Aaaaaanyway, Google has removed swfchan from their black list now so I've put back the JuicyAds and AdEngage ads. Waiting a little with the AdultAdWorld ones.

>>Anonymous  19dec2012(we)22:05  No.5144  G  P20R15
Couldn't you use to keep the domains?
>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  19dec2012(we)23:46  No.5145  SWF  P21R16
I've used before for the swfchan DNS records and I'm using it right now for some stuff (not for swfchan though). Note that they only provide free DNS nameservers, they don't give you a free domain name of your choice. They're a fantastic place to get free subdomains, however since I want to use, and I gotta pay for it with an actual domain registrar.
Created: 7/3 -2011 16:37:20 Last modified: 11/3 -2025 12:20:00 Server time: 11/03 -2025 12:58:34