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>>Anonymous  30mar2020(mo)20:42  No.75769  OP  P1
Admin, do you have a plan set in place if you suddenly die?

As far as I can tell this is the only major Flash website left that isn't ruined by copywrite takedowns and content restrictions (like Newgrounds is). I haven't dug into the other flash preservation projects, but I doubt they have the same level of content freedom as this site.

Does the database get handed over to somebody if something happens to you? This website has a ton of history that I would hate to see lost. Sorry if you have already answered this question a bunch of times. I just became worried after suddenly went down a few days ago.

>>Anonymous  30mar2020(mo)21:18  No.75770  A  P2R1
Dagobah's down? While I never visited myself, it's a shame to see it happen. Hopefully it will resume soon like z0r did when it mysteriously died and then went back up a month later.
>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  31mar2020(tu)05:07  No.75775  SWF  P3R2
Not really but it is something I've been thinking about. Have been meaning to put a note underneath the server telling whoever that reads it to (in the event of my death) contact the guys at who has shown interest in archiving swfchan in the past. That way the site would go down but maybe at least a static copy of it would go up somewhere.

However I've not written that note yet because it would mean if someone reads it by mistake it would spark interest to investigate what's on the server. But I know I should do it soon because who knows when death comes. Putting the note in a sealed envelope with "open in case of death" written on it should do the trick for my privacy worries. The server shouldn't be moved around anyway. Even if whoever finds the letter won't bother with it he should hand it to a family member or relative who I hope would be willing to grant my final wish.

>>Anonymous  31mar2020(tu)05:26  No.75777  OP  P4R3
Thanks for the reply. It's nice to know you have given it some thought. Internet history is really important to a lot of people. It's just scary seeing so much history concentrated in one place.
>>Anonymous  31mar2020(tu)23:17  No.75801  C  P5R4
For the millionth time:

Man, don't worry about it. We are happy we even came that far thanks to you. I don't want to think about what happens when that day comes, I hope the world will be in shambles by then anyway and our least worry is electronic flash pornography.

Actually, I wonder Ants, is there anything special that you do (besides removing the odd pizza) to avoid getting (wrongfully) nuked to oblivion, or are we just lucky nobody cared that much yet?

>concentrated in one place
and I wouldn't want it any other way.
That's the reason this place didn't pull a newgrounds or a 4chins yet.
The constant fear of Ants getting the kiss of corona-chan, that's just something we will have to live with.

>>Anonymous  1apr2020(we)01:03  No.75804  OP  P6R5
I don't understand your post. A plan set in place for if Ants randomly dies in a car crash or something has nothing to do with the current functionality of the site. It just prevents everything from being nuked and lost forever if he isn't here to run the place.
>>Anonymous  3apr2020(fr)20:24  No.75864  C  P7R6
Okay, I understand your confusion, but that's not what I meant. Let me phrase it out differently. Ants did have this plan set in motion for this very reason, but it's a little more complicated than putting a letter in an envelope.

>It's just scary seeing so much history concentrated in one place.
>implying you are scared because this one place is run by just one person

>and I wouldn't want it any other way.
>That's the reason this place didn't pull a newgrounds or a 4chins yet.
>The constant fear of Ants getting the kiss of corona-chan, that's just something we will have to live with.

I was saying that having just ONE (dedicated and integer) person running EVERYTHING here is the reason that this place is as "protectworthy" as it is.
If there were other people or other places involved with any kind of deciding power, we would have the same downfall as seen in newgrounds and 4nhac.
Ants cares for his site and his people and he alone has all the power he needs for that.
The downside being obviously that when he would be no more (knock on wood *tapu tapu*), all is kinda gone I assume.
Those are 2 sides of 1 coin.
If Admin would decide to just give (another pair of) the keys to a third person, this 3rd person would need to be at least as trustworthy as Ants himself, something which I assume to be not a easy thing.
If someone has "power in an emergency" he has power all the time. There is no surefire way to give power to someone ONLY AND ONLY WHEN a certain event happened.
I mean, sure, juristically there are such ways, but understand that this place is pretty much run anonymously and that's the way it should stay.
You cannot write in your testament, GIVE THAT MAN ALL THE COPYRIGHT VIOLATING, CP RIDDEN, AND OBSOLETE AND ALSO PROBABLY ILLEGAL IN ALL THE WAYS FLASH FILES ON THE SERVER I UNDERHANDEDLY RAN FOR SOME DECADES, without many unwanted questions arriving at whoever inherits this. Maybe he has a family and doesn't want them to be involved in any of this.
Ants made it kinda clear he would prefer a more discreet, kind of nobody knows and cares kinda approach.
At least, that's how I would think of a thing that even MOOT thought was too hot to handle at some point.
Just take a look at the patreon fiasco. Whenever someone outside is involved, things seem to go awry pretty quickly.

tl;dr: if you're too obvious, you run into problem which Admin tries to keep off the table
and if you're tooo discreet, nobody knows this exists and into the trash it goes

>>Anonymous  4apr2020(sa)19:05  No.75921  OP  P8R7
Thanks for the clarification. Surely there must be a way. Whether its with writing a will, lawyers, uploading an encrypted backup of everything somewhere and releasing the key in an envelope upon his death, or something else sneaky and creative.

But yeah, I see what you mean about the benefits of one guy running everything and the risks of any form of third party. I'm sure there's gotta be some safe compromise though.

>>Anonymous  5apr2020(su)16:49  No.75944  D  P9R8
The greatest archive is YOU. Everyone needs to save all the swfs they like.
Created: 30/3 -2020 20:42:40 Last modified: 11/3 -2025 12:20:06 Server time: 11/03 -2025 12:54:01