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>>Anonymous  16jan2020(th)19:41  No.73256  OP  P1
Where do we go now?

So with flash being cancelled and all it seems like animators are abandoning the format. I'm aware of webms taking off since that came out, but is there any alternative interactive format or is that pretty much dying with flash?

I'm aware that things like unity web player and old fashioned exes exist, but those aren't and never will be a widespread indie freeware staple like flash is, and I sure don't know any site like this that would archive all that stuff. I guess you can try to hunt individuals down on their private sites, or whatever art hosting site they decide to upload stuff to, if they even do that. Even then those almost never have interactive stuff, and animations are rare.

I'll just really miss independent animators putting out interactive stuff, not just porn, and webms while popular are almost exclusively sfm and blender porn.

>>Anonymous  16jan2020(th)21:05  No.73259  A  P2R1
Yep, the stupidest part of flash dying is the lack of a full replacement. Vector-based, interactive, contained in a single file you can embed and save from webpages. Is there such a replacement? We seem to be losing a concept we took for granted for over 20 years.
>>Anonymous  16jan2020(th)22:49  No.73260  B  P3R2
it's not like everyone is abandoning it. shit, many folks still code in actionscript 2.
>>Anonymous  16jan2020(th)23:25  No.73263  C  P4R3
It's just a matter of using an alternative browser. I'll not let massive corporations decide for me that I don't want to view flash in my browser. The greatest loss is that few new artists will be learning flash in the coming years and that old artists abandon it. It's a bummer when you see something that's clearly made with flash but they just release it as a movie file instead of both. Worse visual quality at 50 times the file size.

The biggest losers are all the sites with content based on flash. Not just big ones like ArmorGames or Kongregate, there are thousands of them still out there in all the world's languages. Can you imagine building around a web standard for 10 years and all of a sudden the biggest browsers band together and take all your work away from you? For no reason other than they don't feel like dealing with flash any more.

>>Anonymous  16jan2020(th)23:31  No.73265  OP  P5R4
It really doesn't matter what consumers are doing. I used to forget about this site for a week or two and there would be pages of new stuff. Now I can check back after a few days and nothing. I still have some old flashes and the SA player, but if no one is making them anymore that's what I'm getting at.
>>Anonymous  17jan2020(fr)02:38  No.73273  D  P6R5
Yep, I basically switched browser just because of that.
And boy, am I glad I did, it feels so much better.
I migrated from firefox to a fork of I think pre v30, which is when it was at its best.
Like a browser in the olden times before smartphoneshit took over.
It's over 10 years old already, so I doubt support will drop and from the looks of it, I lost nothing. Everything works the same, every plugin, configs, most extensions (and if not there is a replacement).
Thank god for those old repositories though! Can be a bitch to search for a very specific version of some old extension that isn't even on the store anymore, because Mozilla nuked it all. Glad I kept those files.

Yep, nothing really replaces Flash, not Unity, not NodeJS, not html5. Parts were implemented better, but no format paints quite such a broad picture.
And the real kick in the nuts is that Adobe doesn't even publish the old format into the public domain. They know they want to purge it and not just because it's "outdated".

To be fair, it's not like anyone didn't see it coming, or that you can just think that flash will be there forever and build your everything around it.

The thing I actually hate the most is how every other flash site silently switched and threw everyhting swf away.
Like how newgrounds forcefully converted old flashes into videos and hid the swfs (if they even still exist) behind registered user settings.
People just see this and think Ohhh I have to make everything new again! and then they throw away decades of flash history to be maybe never recovered again.

the real problem is infrastucture
look at here (swfchan) for example
I doubt it will be closed, but the site is running because it is financed (at least partially) by just lots of random consumers who probably search for furry porn
if they are lost not much impact for the community, but maybe the site has to close because it's just not viable any longer
lots of smaller sites with mass appeal will probably suffer from that
things will be lost, not because it's necessary nor because people want it, but because noone pays for the checks anymore

Where do we go? Nowhere of course. Brace for impact and hope the core community is strong enough to not seriously impact your experience.
Personally, I will still follow the works of content creators (Zone, Derpixon, etc.) even if they abandon flash and I would invite news about that still. On the other hand I will enjoy the reposts that are a decade and half at this point and take them to the grave.

>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  18jan2020(sa)00:34  No.73295  SWF  P7R6
Towards the end of the year I plan to start suggesting people to move away from mainstream browsers if they would like to keep using flash online. I'm not sure which browser to recommend, probably Waterfox because I talked with the project leader and he said that he'll try his best to keep flash working over the years.

There are other browsers like for example Pale Moon/Basilisk or SeaMonkey where flash will keep working as well but the new Waterfox will be based on a more recent version of Firefox which would help people to make the switch if everything looks and works the same. The newer layout engine compared to old Firefox is much snappier as well, it's not a huge deal but very noticeable if you zoom in/out with CTRL+scrollwheel on a long Wikipedia page. Probably some big differences in memory management as well. Not sure how many active devs there are on Waterfox, says 4k contributors on GitHub but those include Firefox contributors. Would like there to be interest in development so security patches carry over somewhat quickly from Mozilla. Interest in development should typically increase with more Waterfox users.

At the moment the new Waterfox is a bit unstable by the look of all the reports on its subreddit and on GitHub, hopefully it'll be up to snuff by the end of the year. Also hoping they will completely remove the requirement to have digitally signed add-ons in Firefox, I take issue with Mozilla trying to lock out and censor things like for example the Dissenter extension. More on that here for those interested: eech-bans-free-speech-commenting-plugin-dissenter- from-its-extensions-gallery/

I've also noticed something across all alternative browsers that I've tested and that is that game trailers on Epic Games store doesn't play in them. I have "play DRM controlled content" set to off in Firefox yet the trailers still play just fine so it shouldn't be a DRM issue. Although it may not sound like the biggest deal to not see trailers on that store it means that there could be other issues on other sites. People generally don't like to use several browsers and if they can't log into their bank in Waterfox/Basilisk/etc (for whatever reason) it's unlikely they will make the switch away from mainstream browsers. Being able to play DRM content is unfortunately probably also necessary for many that use streaming services to watch TV shows legally in their browser.

Most old Firefox extensions can be found here btw: tor_Dump
However that isn't a very user friendly way to find what you're looking for, the best way is probably to go here: Click the newest .xpi release to install their add-on that lets you search/browse old add-ons. (Note that you can "install" it in new Firefox however after downloading you'll get an error saying that it is corrupt. It'll only work in XUL/XPCOM browsers.)

I'm working on scanning some more flash sites for new content.

>>Anonymous  18jan2020(sa)05:59  No.73301  D  P8R7
Funnily enough, you're right, epic store trailers show up blank for some reason.
I've been using xul based palemoon now for months and I have come across maybe 2 oddities until now, everything else seems to work fine ESPECIALLY in conjuncture with flash. No annoying popups to enable or anything.
Steam trailers seem to work fine, maybe they will fix the video tags for epic store, maybe not, I don't care but it could obviously be a turnoff for the average joe.

Also, I mean still, yeah using two browsers is unusual but if someone has some affinity for flash I bet he can be arsed enough to have a different browser he can click on to browse here or /f/. It really does not impact anything (maybe the install order to have one default and the other not).
Also, I think the option with downloading flashes and opening them with projector is really not too terrible either. It's just a slight inconvenience in my eyes.
Maybe make some sort of script that automatically clears your swf target download directory every so often.

Also I hate it that Firefox doesn't even let you download files from their addon store, if you don't have a firefox user agent. What pricks. Just give me an obscure direct download link or something.
Well, not a big problem anyway.
Huh, the legacy addon site just went down some weeks ago, was still up when I went to download all those extensions. Good to see the waybackmachine caught all of those!

Also: maybe for someone wondering. The waybackmachine also has a lot of firefox addons from their official repositories cached, but for some reason you can successfully download them, but not install them, the files appear to be corrupt.

>>Anonymous  21jan2020(tu)04:16  No.73348  F  P9R8
>Adobe doesn't even publish the old format into the public domain.
I think their hands were tied in this respect because of patenting issues

It might be useful to inform people about how to change your useragent if you are planning on having a message at the top. I've run into at least 6 places that force newish useragents (i.e. try to only get specific browsers); megaupload and slack were among them so I think it's possible that some people would try it and get hung up on the idea because of certain sites if they didn't know.
Created: 16/1 -2020 19:41:52 Last modified: 13/3 -2025 07:58:23 Server time: 13/03 -2025 08:00:16