s-europe/t/report-phone-hacking-whistleblower-foun d-dead/?GT1=43001 As I'm sure you all know. The Mainstream media recently broke the story of The Death of whistle blower Sean Hoare. Police say after an investigation that "The death is currently being treated as unexplained, but not thought to be suspicious," according to a police statement. "Police investigations into this incident are ongoing." Are we supposed to believe this from the same Police force that shrouded the evidence of phone hacking from the public for six years??? this is the Last straw people. We need to mobilize! We need to go out there and start Facebook groups, Petitions at, anything, everything. We need to let it be known that this man was murdered for standing up for the rights of his fellow man. And that his fellow man will not be silenced! Vindicate: 5. To exact revenge for; avenge. Quote from the final sentence of MSNBC article "He told the Guardian he was not making any money from his story, but was hoping that the scandal would help clean up journalism in the U.K." This man died to defend our rights. And we need to fight to defend his memory. (USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST) RULE 1-18 |