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Age: 43.13d   Health: 64.21%   Posters: 7   Posts: 7   Replies: 6   Files: 1+3

>>Anonymous  30jan2025(th)01:44  No.103249  OP  P1
Creambee-PumpoutHexV1.swf (17.57 MiB)
900x900, Compressed (Deflate). 9 frames, 26 fps (00:00).
Ver15, AS1/AS2. Network access: No. Text: Yes.
Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Yes. Video: No. <METADATA>
[find in archive]
>>Anonymous  8feb2025(sa)04:14  No.103282  A  P2R1  >>103283
this dropped and then kamuo remade his old hex tit fuck animation
yep im thinking hexlovers are coming back
>>Anonymous  8feb2025(sa)14:47  No.103283  B  P3R2  >>103285
post it here!
>>Swag Officer  9feb2025(su)01:12  No.103285  C  P4R3
>>103283 29682
just go to kemono lol
>>Anonymous  2mar2025(su)00:16  No.103365  D  P5R4
can the next update add a fucking ball gag
I don’t give a shit about pixiewillow, the dialogue is cringe as fuck anyway
>>Anonymous  2mar2025(su)17:09  No.103371  E  P6R5  >>103416
feels mean to say but i kinda hate the porn actress voices some of these have

occasionally stuff like the shantae one that mimics the character is nice (or did that literally use HGH sounds) but there's a reason i never watch professional porn

that's not really the actress's fault of course she's just doing her thing and she's good at it for the people who like that

>>Anonymous  10mar2025(mo)11:08  No.103416  F  P7R6
Funny, I have a similar sentiment regarding her art style. Creambee used to be really good at mimicking art styles in some of her old animations like Trainer Moon, Rosalina, Adventure Time, and the Shantae talent show one, but these days she seems to be defaulting to this standard bimbo look.

A real shame really, because I see her as one of the last consistent Flash artists we have remaining. And from the message in the credits, I don't think she plans to change her art direction anytime soon.

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Created: 30/1 -2025 01:44:00 Last modified: 14/3 -2025 04:54:40 Server time: 14/03 -2025 05:32:18