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>>Diagod  8oct2024(tu)19:29  No.102747  OP  P1
Faye Valentine Captured v1.0

New Faye Valentine Flash game (version 1.0)

FV-1.swf (2.51 MiB)
900x500, Compressed (Deflate). 240 frames, 24 fps (00:10).
Ver15, AS3. Network access: No. Text: Yes.
Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Yes. Video: No. <METADATA>
[find in archive]

>>Anonymous  10oct2024(th)03:05  No.102751  A  P2R1
Good find! Or did you make it? If you did some feedback: Skin or nipple color is off. Either her skin is darkened by the room but then the pink nipple is too bright, or no such light effect was intended in which case her skin is too dark compared to the nipple.
>>Diagod  12oct2024(sa)01:11  No.102757  OP  P3R2
Thanks for the feedback, I will post an updated version.
>>Anonymous  13oct2024(su)04:37  No.102771  B  P4R3
Not bad but if you want to improve the animation then I suggest this. Humans have joints, fat and muscle. So moving them would bring it to life.

If you anchor her butt and shoulder fat to the floor but move the body then she looks less like a floating paper cut-out, then her hair that's touching the floor should stay on the floor and the hair on her head should move with the head, arch her neck and lower back depending on ho deep the thrust is. She can't move her hands but moving the shoulders a bit would make her reaction stronger. Like if you touch someone who is ticklish, they will recoil away from the touch.

And if someone cums sometimes their hips twitch, toes curl, shoulders shrug, eyes squint, lips tighten.

Hope this helps.

>>Diagod  13oct2024(su)05:08  No.102773  OP  P5R4
Thanks, I was about to post v1.5 before I saw this. I’ll keep this in mind when working on v2.0.
Created: 8/10 -2024 19:29:58 Last modified: 16/10 -2024 16:27:40 Server time: 16/10 -2024 16:28:06