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>>TurCrayPig  30sep2024(mo)05:33  No.102683  OP  P1
Add a link to report page on top

I think we need a button that leads to report page on the top panel (not sure what to call it). That would make easier to report those nasty spammers and their nasty shiet

>>Anonymous  12oct2024(sa)15:29  No.102759  A  P2R1
Does it matter if the reports get ignored anyway, even if you manage to do it the hard way?
>>Joshex  12oct2024(sa)16:07  No.102760  B  P3R2
This sounds like a butthurt report form situation.
we should make a flash swf form for people to click buttons to describe their displeasure and text input and character design as to whom they have this displeasure.
then when all that is complete it moves on to punishment buttons which can be rapid fire clicked in like a battle simulation.
examples of punishment buttons:
[Temp Ban], [Full Ban], [Permanent Ban], [Yell at and Degrade with a Loudspeaker], [Send hateful and threatening email anonymously], [Flamewall], [report them for hate's peach violations]. etc.

then make animated over-exaggerated reactions like the character going all sadbro or madbro "why u do this?!" style.

and events following like : "the user changed their IP address and did it again"

and if you use the ban buttons too much:
"30000 innocent people from the offender's region have been banned in the process of banning this one offender"
and finally;
"you banned your own IP Address in the process of banning all this person's IP Addresses" and it locks the user out from the game and they need to reload it and start over.

and so on.

but the game has no effect on any real users. it's just for people to get their hate out of their system ragebro style.

>>Anonymous  13oct2024(su)15:12  No.102777  C  P4R3
How about you are not a lazy nigger?
>>Anonymous  16oct2024(we)15:37  No.102794  D  P5R4
you must be real butthurt yourself to come up with all that shit
>>Joshex  18oct2024(fr)01:42  No.102803  B  P6R5
me? no, I was trollfacing hard when I wrote that, I was thirsty for the precious salts that could be mined from such a game.
Created: 30/9 -2024 05:33:17 Last modified: 22/10 -2024 15:19:16 Server time: 22/10 -2024 15:39:27