I noticed that the flash files are actually sorted ascending by age.
Wouldn't it make more sense to order them descending? The newest entries would be on the first page then and it would always utilize the maximum number of entries per page to show the newest stuff.
Currently you often have to click at least once more to get to the last page and find the latest files. And sometimes that page consists only of a few entries then due to the way of ordering things.
If it's just a few lines of code, perhaps you could change it? :)
Thanks for the suggestion but it takes a lot more work than a few lines of code to change it. Also, since the files aren't dynamic (they are static html files that just import the top and bottom of the site) it would mean that all pages would have to be updated as soon as a new flash was added instead of just the last page. It kinda makes sense for pages on an archive to go from oldest to newest too.
The "new"-pages list flashes the way you describe (from newest to oldest). These are linked to from the front page of swfchan.com: